Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I Lied

I really lied when I said that I would update this all the time. I apologize, although I am pretty confident that because i have told no one except dariane where this blog is located, that absolutely no one reads it.
Will and I went to see Warhol last Saturday or sunday, i forget which one. It was absolutely awesome and once we were done that we went to the Christmas parade. Also very fun. I love christmas, makes me happy.
I am very sick with a terrible cold, headache, sore throat, and I could go on but I do not want to complain.
I just finished pilates so I am pretty sweaty and I should be showering instead of blogging but whatever, here I am. Not a big deal I don't think.
Dariane is coming to winnipeg on friday so we can go shopping :) My favorite thing to do. Plus I miss was such a fun summer being able to live with her again and see her all the time.
This saturday will and i are going to stars. Looking forward to that I got some really good tickets and on friday we are going to be getting together with a bunch of people that hung out all the time last year. That should be really fun because i never get to see any of them anymore and I miss those people.
School is going really really well and the first term is just about over. I am really looking forward to it being done and getting some money over christmas break. Okay back to shower and study.

Friday, November 9, 2007

New Blog

Well I had a blog at one point last year, but I figured that I would try again and raelly make an honest attempt at updating it. At least once a week would be really nice. But I will have to see how busy school keeps me, seems like that is all I ever to lately is school work. That or actually work. I am currently working at A child's place and with christmasm around the corner it is getting really busy lately.
Christmas is going to be weird this year. I absolutely love buying creative fun gifts for everyone, but this year, with living on my own and having lots of responsibilities I am feeling somewhat broke and I don't think that I will be able to buy much.
I got a kitten a little while ago. With the help of a few Tarleton boys I named her charlie, she's from the humane society. She's 3 months old and absolutely adorable. She was a stray cat found in St. Anne's. When I saw her there she was just too cute and i had to take her home. it's weird to think that I might have her for 10 years..that seems so long, but she's a little too playful sometimes now, it might be nice if she just lies around and relaxes. Much like she is doing right now beside me here.

Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about my life and I really want to go to Africa next year and volunteer at an orphanage. I just feel really compelled to do that, I just haven't decided if I should just get my degree and get it done and over with or take a year off to do this..AHHHHH, i know that once i have a degree i will have a lot more opportunity to travel and work abroad but it just feels like I should go soon. Maybe I will do it in the summer for a month..I don't know. Money seems to be playing a huge factor in my life right now and I have no idea what I should do. i feel like I can't go anywhere or buy anything or do anything. There needs to be more free things that I can do.
My sister is coming into the city tomorrow. The last time I saw her was Halloween, it was her birthday and we were both kind of messy. It was a really good time though, just stopped me from drinking for quite some time I think. I have recently started doing Pilates on a daily basis to hopefully lose some weight so I really hope that I can keep up with it, I really enjoy doing it so it shouldn't be too difficult.
Anyways that's about it for my first post and I will definitely really try and keep up with this one.
Good night