Saturday, September 18, 2010

I haven't posted anything in a little while. And I'm not done my sports psyc assignment yet, but I'm posting anyways, because I'm putting off showering and getting dressed. Actually just putting off leaving my room because I don't really feel like talking to anyone at the moment. Mainly because anytime I open my mouth I start coughing like a old hag who spent her entire life smoking. So attractive.

School's going to stress me out. I'm already stressed out thinking about it. I have like major breakout going on on my normally clear skin and I was talking to Katie about it last night and she was like it's probably because you're stressed out to which I responded with something like no I dont' really feel like I am, and she was like dude, you have no money, you have a full time job, you're doing school work, etc, etc. I guess I haven't really realized that I do actually have a lot going on right now and it is stressing me out more than I would like it too.

At this moment, I really need to motivate myself to get out of bed. I'm starving, and even though I have no food really because I can't afford to go grocery shopping, there's something out of all the random stuff I have that I could whip together. Like pancakes. Oh wait you need milk for that.

A couple days later...

Alright all my assignments are done now :) Last night we had a big delicious dinner here that I think we might try and make a tradition. Well I hope that we can because that would be awesome. Hopefully not always here because that might get to be a bit much but rotating it through our apartments would be nice. I think it's a good sunday ritual to have.

Our apartment is so incredibly cold right now, I don't know how much longer I can handle it. My feet have been freezing for a solid couple of days. I suppose it doesn't help that today I walked to second cup in the rain in this pair of boots that got absolutely soaked on the way there. When I got home I could literally wring out my socks. That's how wet they were.

I apologize that I've sucked at words lately. I don't want to spill my entire soul on this blog every day. Oh speaking of which here is a little rant. My father. Oh shocking I know that it's going to be about him. He was originally supposed to help me move into my new place. Well good thing that I didn't count on him because I've asked him to pick up my desk and my bbq from my old apartment to put into storage and he still hasn't. It's so frustrating, and then I called him about it the other day and he was like oh maybe next week we can do it in the morning before you have to go to work. Are you freaken kidding me. I work at 7 every morning and you want to do it before then? I'm so happy that I made the decision to get my stuff moved by someone else because he can't organize himself for five minutes to help me. And here's another rant. The people that I talk to every day already know both of these things. Anyways, the other day my Auntie Connie emails me to ask me about something regarding my grandpa's 90th birthday which is coming up. So I email her back saying "Hey Auntie Connie, blah blah blah" to which I get the response. "Just 'Connie' is fine, you're an adult now so you can call me that." It was something along the lines of that. I probably shouldn't be as offended as I was but I still haven't cooled down from that. Dariane and I both don't have a good relationship with that family over stuff from the past and then you have to go and pull that. I mean really, who cares what I call you, I see you once every 5 years anyways. Oh man, I'm mad. Sorry about all the gramatical errors.

Rant over.

Also blog over.
I'll do my best to post more words more often. As long as you guys won't kill me for writing shorter ones that come with pictures.


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