Monday, April 14, 2008


I haven't updated this in an extremely long time, and the main reason is that school and work totally overtook my life this year and I honestly felt like I had no time to add to this. But as of April 11th, Will's birthday, I am done my second year of university, and that much closer to being done.
I haven't done anything exciting all year besides study so I don't have a whole lot to add to this. I have been on a major house hunt with a few people trying to find a place where we can spend our summer and next year but unless you've done it you wouldn't know how hard it is to find a place in the city. So many times, all it is is a scam. Someone from Africa wanting you to send you the money and then he will send the keys. I even got one yesterday from someone wanting me to learn about their religion. They sent a pretty long email with the majority of it talking about their religion. Quite strange.
So life has been kind of happening around me and the camera hasn't been out much unfortunately, i hope to change that, now that my mom was kind enough to purchase a pack of three memory cards and give me one. Now that it can hold more than 2 pictures at a time, it's actually worth bringing out.
Here is a photo of Ashley and I from Andy's birthday, which was a total turn around from last year. We just hung out at his place and drank wine/beer (they drank beer, i drank wine)

I have been having quite the inner debate about going travelling next year or staying in school. I am taking a summer class right now and once it's complete, I will have finished 60 credit hours. So now, I don't know whether I should continue going to school and do one more year in which i will have a degree and can probably do a lot more when I travel, or should I take a year off and enjoy myself? I dont' know!!! i just wish someone had an answer for me.
I should get off my ass and do some pilates now. I'm going for dinner and drinks with a friend I haven't seen in a long long time and quite excited about it!