Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Randoms

Point Form Time!

- I went to an awards dinner for work the other day. I got to dress up. I'll never turn down going somewhere where I get to dress up. I paired this dress with those shoes. It turned out just beautiful. However, I decided I need to invest in a straightner. It would make everything so much better. And maybe a better blow dryer. One day..too bad my birthday and christmas are just so close together.

- Yesterday we did our weekly trip to Costco. I swear we can't spend less that 100$ there. Anyways, it's my favorite. Whatever day Matt and I do our running around is always my favorite day of the week. It's the most entertaining afternoon. I love him. The other night we actually went to go see safe house...but it was full and there wasn't any other movie that really looked that good. So we left and stopped to get gas on our way home and I bought a scratch ticket and we won a couple dollars so we proceeded to drive around and buy some more at different Mac's, until we lost. After we lost we decided to drive across town to the casino. It was such a random fun night. He won money and I lost money but we don't really need to talk about that now. The next night we went to see Safe House and we went really really early and it was definitely worth it. Such a good movie. Denzel Washington is one fabulous actor.

- I love absolutely everything about my new job. I really lucked out. She's so great to work for and it's always busy. I never have a day where I have nothing to do all day. There's always something that needs to be done and it makes every single day fly by. It's also making me want to buy a house. Mortgage payments are pretty much what I pay for rent right now plus a couple hundred. Absolutely do able for us in about a year. I just want to make a dent in some debt.

- I got some advice from someone the other day. Some big time, hits you in the chest and kind of smacks you across the face kind of advice. I was talking to someone and she said to "focus on the good people in your life, the people that you know without a doubt love you like crazy". I'm just going to leave it at that.

- I need to get into a serious work out routine this week. We keep going here and there, whenever we are able to make time for it but that's got to change. Maybe I should start going before I go to work to make sure I do it for the day.

- I made this amazing chicken enchilada pasta the other night. It was great. Definitely will be making this again. I couldn't find green enchilada sauce anywhere though...well I only looked at sobey's so I home made it and it was great. I was in a bit of a cooking slump there for a little while and here Matt thought he was getting an awesome cook and it was a big ole' disappointment. I think I got back in the game. It's about time.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Fashions.

I never post, I know. The only person decided she isn't going to check my blog anymore because it's just a disappointment. So now, BAM there will be a post next time she randomly clicks on. Maybe one if I can you know schedule some because I generally don't have a hell of a lot of time during the week.

I want her hair.

So here's a few random outfits I'm currently into. Maybe, just maybe I'll post something of quality this week. Let's not get carried away though, it might not happen and I wouldn't want to disappoint.