We got a dog. A while ago now but I just haven't wanted to share him with the world.
Here's how it went down. Matt and I were lazing around one Saturday afternoon when he looked over my way and said "Mandy, let's get a dog." I responded with something along the lines of 'that's like having a child, a commitment I'm not ready for" So then we logged on to the old interwebz and started looking around at what was available in our area. Then we went to the humane society so matt could guilt me into getting one because they're just so damn adorable. So we searched and there was nothing there that was a) the right size or b) that awesome. Plus I think that by putting them in these little rooms you can hardly interact with the dog and that just doesn't work for me. So we went home, as Matt ranted about something pretty shady that the humane society does. More on that another day. Then we found a little pug puppy (matt loves him a cute little pug) so he called and we were going to go and check it out...well then I was checking out another site and found "The Dog with No Name" at the Gimli Humane society and he was just so damn cute. We agreed we would take a drive up to Gimli and check him out, and so we did. Woke up at 6:30 on a sunday morning (Daylight savings time at that!) and went to the shop for something and then drove to Gimli. Took Buddy for a walk and took him home. And he's been stealing our hearts ever since. That dog is so well behaved. Thank god because we all know I can't train a dog if my life depends on it. And now we have this little creature that joined our family and we're all living happily ever after.

Here he is having a party with Cook, Strath and I/jumping on the bed. Not too sure why this was happening.

This is his most favorite sleeping position I swear. Always ready for a belly rub.

This is my very first picture with the little guy on our way home from Gimli. Oh yeah, he's a dream in the car. So calm it's unreal. Although he isn't particularly fond of the car wash.