Monday, November 24, 2008

Song of the Month

I absolutely love this song. I listen to it pretty much non-stop and I also really enjoy this video and I thought that I would share it with you

Friday, November 21, 2008


I should really start writing these daily..or every other day, ya that would be really nice. But also not going to happen. Well i could try, but I'm not promising anything that's for sure.

Last night I went for sushi and then proceeded to drink large quantities of some delicious red wine. Which was awesome, except for the blue lips, tongue and teeth. Or rather black lips, tongue and teeth. That totally sucked. At least it's not permanent. Too bad I didn't take any pictures, that would have been fantastic.

Tonight's Amanda's Birthday and we are going to the Billabong. Very exciting, I hope that it will be fun even though I feel completely exhausted right now. And I'm not totally sure what the plan is except for dinner and then going back to my place for drinks. and then maybe dancing...ya that would be fun, hopefully I can make it through. Feeling slightly hung over right now. need a cure for those. Someone should get on that. I've already polished off a bottle of water and a large this has got to feel better soon.

I'll take pictures tonight and then have some to put up :) That will be sweet. Although I still don't know what I'm going to work but not really freaking out. As long as I put some make up on I should be a-ok.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Did I wake up beside you?

Man, I really do a more light hearted post, something not so serious, something more chilled out…cause that’s what I am trying to be, a little more chilled out. But I just watched Denny die on the second season of Grey’s and it put me in one of those moods. (I get really attached to characters on TV shows, it’s kind of pathetic)
I think that I want to get my nose pierced again. I miss it, but there was a reason that I took it out and that was because it was constantly falling out, so maybe it’s just better to save the 60$ and not go through the pain. And the cleaning…I hate cleaning piercings and tattoos…really grosses me out.

There’s been erally nothing new lately. It’s the same thing every day and it’s starting to get really boring. I go to school, I go to work, I go to work to do homework, and I rinse and I repeat it all again the next day. And I’m getting really tired of it. But, I don’t know how to change it. I feel like I need a good change though, or something really good to happen, I don’t know. Life keeps kicking me and I just feel bland and bored.

I also really need to start going to the gym. ASAP. I want to get in shape again, or just in shape. And I keep making excuses and they’re lame and I should stop but it’s just so easy to make the excuses every day, repeatedly. Maybe I will make it my New Years Resolution. Although I hate those and I don’t really make them because they never stay true and then you are ultimately led to disappointment. Happens every time, never fails.

I should post the location of this blog, then maybe more people would read and comment, that would be quite fantastic, but I’m also scared to let people in because I generally post things that maybe I am not quite comfortable saying aloud and telling lots of people would lead to people reading it and knowing more about me then I want to reveal.

I get to go and see a good friend of mine in December and I am very excited. I haven’t seen her since September and man do I ever miss her. She’s excited about life all the time, she gives mostly rational advice and she’s a phenomenal listener and I got a whole lot of new things to tell her. And I have things to give her…presents!!! One which I created which is even more awesome cause that takes time, but she deserves it and she will love it.

Katie and I had a pretty long talk the other night and it was really good. She, wow, she’s a good listener and a good talker. It’s weird because we do live together and are pretty much constantly talking but not talking about all sorts of things and just letting it out and sometimes it’s good to do that, and I wished that we took more time to do that every now and then because it felt really good to just get it off my chest and let someone know how I feel and hear how she feels and she’s a good person a really good friend, to all of her friends. I admire that about her.

This post is scattered I know, I am just writing as things come to my mind and lately my mind has been going a mile a minute and really does feel this scattered so getting it written down is really hard, especially so that it has flow, but I’m sure this doesn’t really have much flow, I just am thinking and writing….even my grammer sucks.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Goldfish Song - Kina Grannis Original

I highly recommend you listen to this fine fine performer. I have recently found her through youtube and i have her blog linked on my sidebar. I absolutely love her music, both her originals and her covers.

I'm too proud to beg for your attention and your friendship and your time

Life has been interesting lately. Super busy with school work and work work and life and it's all getting a bit overwhelming and I am anxiously waiting until November is over and December settles in and exams are over and I get finally get into the christmas spirit.
Anatomy has been absolutely killing me lately and now that it's over I feel a whole lot better but still tense because I haven't gone and checked my marks lately. My lecture exam was on Saturday which felt so good to finally get done and over with.
Later on Saturday evening Amanda and I went for a delicious spicy noodle house dinner and then we went to the corn maze. It was a lot of fun, but we did really struggle to get lost in it and went through it three separate times.
We got there, paid and set off towards the entrance where we encountered this absolutely beautiful machine shed filled with pumpkins. Too bad that it was the day after halloween and we couldn't find any pumpkins when we wanted to buy them to carve into beautiful art.

After fully enjoying the beautiful pumpkin room we headed on towards the entrance where we stumbled upon this..

which in turn caused this beautiful catasrophe
I took a ton of photos and videos..I dont' know how to load the videos and I don't want to spend all my time here loading the ]photos
Here is one last one of Amanda and I..

That's it, that's all for now