Saturday, May 22, 2010

they've got private lawns and public parks.

I spent my Thursday afternoon basking in this beautiful sight. It was amazing. Dariane and I are going to make an effort to go to the park as much as we possibly can. With picnics and blankets water guns and volleyballs. Next week we both have Tuesday, Wednesday off so there'll be some fun times. Especially if the weather is nice. Hopefully we can head to Grand Beach or Birds Hill and go to the beach, suntan etc. The only thing that I absolutely have to do is go find out about a job. Although i am certainly enjoying having to not work very much. But realistically the paycheck that I just got is not going to cut it. Not even close. Especially when i'm trying to save on top of paying off some bills.

I think that in the past little while is the first time that I've ever been guarded on my blog. Writing things and then erasing them because I feel like nobody really needs to know that. It's weird. Not sure what changed and why I suddenly feel like this but I do. I used to be the kind of person that when anytime anything exciting happened I would tell someone. Lately I've been keeping it to myself and I don't know why. I mean I'll tell people with time but not like at the beginning when i'm really excited about it.

As a side note, yesterday at work Fred Penner came in. And I freaked out. Only Erica didn't believe me that it was him. And I definitely couldn't work up the courage to find out if it was him. But trust me, I watched that show every day as a child. I know Fred when i see him. I was flustered, not going to lie.

As a second side note, one time Hannah had this dream that I wrote side notes all over everything. LIke random pieces of paper with words everywhere. Then she talked to me about it in her sleep. Random random night.

I'm laying here in bed and I have been since 8 this morning when a dear friend texted me and woke me up. I just said to someone this is an almost perfect way to start the morning. Just laying here, listening to music, drinking a coffee and relaxing. I think I'll get up at noon. That gives me 40 more minutes to just take it easy. I mean I don't really have anything to do today. I want sushi. I need to clean my room. And maybe, I mean most definitely take a shower, shave my legs. But that's all. Oh I have to go to work at 4. That's no excited. But I work with someone who I haven't met yet so that'll be good I hope. I like meeting new people.

Rambly...but today that's just how it's going to go.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

This beautiful weather is making me extremely happy. I've also taken some ideas from another blogger and been waking up and consciously making an effort to make it a good day. To be happy. And it's been working so well.

Lengthy post coming later on tonight. One more glass of wine and I'm ready to spill.
Love xoxox
Hannah commented on my blog the other day when I mentioned I wanted to date Johnny and Chace. She said I could deny it all I want but she knew my true love was this man. She knows me far too well.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

let me be easy to love.

Well I was the one who showed you the sky
But you brought it down, down to my thighs
Sadly believed every word I didn't mean
About loving darkness.

And there it is now, he enters the room
It guts like a fish to see how he's grown
Saw me go out onto the town to mess around
Ooh get my groove on, mess around.

Well you were the one who thought it was funny
That half of the world had never seen money
Shimmy-shuffle 'round, break it all down
It never comes to an end as long as you can help yourself

There it is now, she enters the room
It guts like a fish to see how she's grown
Saw me go blind, step out of line, you know I can't help myself
When you get your groove on, I go blind.

So, let me go out into the evil world that you know
Where my baby cries, but I cut the ties
Oh, let me go, let me go, let me go out into the sinful world that you know
That you really love
Just let me be easy to love

When you get your groove on, I go blind
When you get your groove on, I loose my mind
When you get your groove on, the whole world goes blind
So get your groove on girl, we'll go wild.

Monday, May 10, 2010

i am trying to break your heart.

As much as I love writing and talking highly about myself (just kidding), I'm so so sick of applying for jobs. I've applied for tons and yes I know, I already have a job so it's not really pressing for me to get another one but I'd really like to work my ass off and I'd like to not have debt. Oh and well I'm listing off things I would like I would like this:

to drive to the park, or the beach, or camping

I would also like to live here:
preferably not in Winnipeg. Perhaps Toronto or Vancouver. Because Dariane is giong to be in the RCMP hopefully and that means she won't ever live in Manitoba again and I want our children to grow up together that means I won't be living my whole life here...ask me any other day how I feel about that it's iffy. Today I don't want to be around here anymore. That's a whole other post though. One that won't ever be written.

Hmm...while I'm creating this cool lifestyle for myself I would like to date these two the same time.

Alright, that is all for now. Not that my life isn't already pretty awesome I just think with those things it could be even more awesome. Wow, do I sound superficial or what? Great...that's so like me.

I get to see Stars tonight with a near and dear friend. Wooohooo! That means I get to get dressed up look all pretty and go out. I can't wait...should be fun. If I had a camera I would totally take photos. Unfortunately, I am sans camera due to a fateful meeting between my camera and the pavement going 100 km an hour. Have I ever mentioned it was my breakup gift to myself. Girls should buy them for themselves. It's uplifting...makes you feel alright about even the worst situation. Again I sound materialistic. Maybe I should stop writing today. I'm feeling rather cynical.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

drinking wine and thinking bliss is on the other side of this

This is what I look like when I blog. Well...most of the time I have wine when I'm home. When I was in Australia, not so much. It's like as soon as that succulent (i hate that word) delicious liquid hits your lips my brain cells just start flowing better. Kidding. It's also maybe like a before photo because Dariane is going to dye my hair tonight hopefully. I just can't last with this tie dye hair. It was fun while it lasted. But i'm over it.

Last night Amanda and I hung out. We played Yahtzee and drank ceasers and mango rum. It was fun. We watched the cove to keep our edge. It was a pretty eye opening documentary. Watch it some time, it's rather shocking. It also caused us to think and have lots of good discussions which is one of my most favorite things about her. She's one of the most knowledgeable people I know. She's also keen to eat chocolate chip pancakes and sit and have coffee in the morning. Anyone who likes pancakes makes me happy.

It's nice to be home. Busy but nice. And I like being busy anyways. I just feel like I have a million things to do all the time even though it's not that many and I keep making plans and then having to break them. It's no fun...not at all. Plus I need to make sure I don't spend all my money. Because that would not be cool especially when I owe people money. Luckily my debt has already decreased greatly. Not greatly but definitely gone down.

Here's me after I won some awesome prizes. Note how creepy my eyes look.