Wednesday, December 8, 2010

me...rambling...because it's time to start posting again.

I really really can't stand cryptic facebook statuses but this week, with everything that's been going on, I've been so tempted far too many times.
Tonight we're having a girls night with my 3 most favorite ladies and mojitos and bean enchiladas. To say these ladies can make everything better, even if it's just for a little while would be an understatement. Maybe i'll try and take some photos...although I don't have a camera. maybe my photobooth on mr. macbook will get some action.
It's amazing how you only realize how different you are from certain people when you're around them. And it's crazy how you can be at such a different stage in your life only with a couple year's difference. It's also really annoying when people talk about age. Unless you're friends with a 40 year old and you're my age, there's really no reason to ever bring it up.
We just decided that a conveyer belt in the hallway would be ideal. Because we're all far too lazy to do any serious walking down the hall. Amber thinks we're going to find one at a garage sale. The benefit of not working monday to friday early in the morning, I actually get to see my room mates and i love it.
This is enough rambling. I have studying, showering, knitting, and coffee drinking to get done.

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