Thursday, May 12, 2011

We're being audited at work today. Susi walks in this morning and says to me "Mandy, the auditor (she said his real name but I'll just leave that out) is coming in today. We have opening and closing meetings with him. I'll just let you know now that he's a married man." Apparently he's hot. I have yet to see him but this just made my otherwise crappy day a teeny tiny bit better. I think I'm getting the flu and when I woke up this morning all i wanted to do was lay in bed and do nothing all day long.

I went to the city last night to see Katie and Ash. Those girls are fantastic. I miss dinners and drinks and just hanging out talking to them. We went to Luxalune which has delicious food. We shared some pizza and bruschetta. I had a mojitos, they had beers. It was perfect.

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