Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have absolutely no more fight left in me. I'm done with a lot of this bull shit that's been going on lately. Just done with it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I saw this on a blog and decided to try it myself. Mainly cause I wanted the picture of Eric Dance moved down cause I was just getting a little too much of him and secondly because I'm trying to avoid doing homework. You are just supposed to bold all the things that you have I did. Enjoy

Started your own blog

Slept under the stars (not a fan of bugs)

Played in a band

Visited Hawaii

Watched a meteor shower

Given more than you can afford to charity

Been to Disneyland/world

Climbed a mountain

Held a praying mantis

Sang a solo

Bungee jumped

Visited Paris

Watched a lightning storm at sea
...does the lake count?

Taught yourself an art from scratch

Adopted a child

Had food poisoning

Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty

Seen the Mona Lisa in France

Slept on an overnight train

Had a pillow fight


Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

Built a snow fort

Held a lamb

Gone skinny dipping

Been to a Broadway show in NY

Ran a Marathon (one of the things you couldn't pay me to do)

Been in three states at once

Ridden in a gondola in Venice

Seen a total eclipse

Watched a sunrise or sunset

Hit a home run

Been on a Cruise

Seen Niagra Falls in Person

Visited the birthplace of your Ancestors

Seen an Amish community

Taught yourself a new language

Had enough money to be truly satisfied...I don't need much for that.

Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

Gone rock climbing

Seen Michelangelo’s David

Sung karaoke

Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt

Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

Visited Africa

Walked on a beach by moonlight

Been transported in an ambulance

Had your portrait painted

Gone deep sea fishing

Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Gone scuba diving or snorkeling

Kissed in the rain

Played in the mud

Been to Grace Kelley’s grave in Monaco

Gone to a drive-in theater

Been in a movie

Visited the Great Wall of China

Started a business

Taken a martial arts class

Swam in the Mediterranean Sea

Visited Russia

Served at a soup kitchen

Sold Girl Scout cookies

Gone whale watching

Gotten flowers for no reason

Donated blood, platelets or plasma

Gone sky diving ( I want to go so bad!)

Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

Bounced a check

Saved a favorite childhood toy

Visited the Lincoln Memorial

Eaten Caviar

Pieced a quilt

Stood in Times Square

Toured the Everglades

Been fired from a job

Seen the Changing of the Guards in London

Broken a bone

Been on a speeding motorcycle

Seen the Grand Canyon in person

Published a book

Visited the Vatican

Bought a brand new car

Walked in Jerusalem

Had your picture in the newspaper

Read the entire Bible

Visited the White House

Killed and prepared my own meat

Had chickenpox

Saved someone’s life

Sat on a jury

Met someone famous

Joined a book club

Lost a loved one

Had a baby

Seen the Alamo in person

Swam in the Great Salt Lake

Been involved in a law suit

Owned a cell phone

Been stung by a bee

There you go...I think there's a lot more that I need to do in my life! Now it's off to do some yoga

Monday, January 19, 2009

We'll Never Sleep

First and foremost I think every woman should take a moment to enjoy this photo. This is what I currently look at every time I see my desktop on my computer and it's great.

Okay, now that I got that out of the way I'll let you all know what's going on in my life. I was hassled by Dariane to update this so here goes nothing. I haven't written a long update in awhile because life is pretty boring lately. Extremely low key and I don't do all. I work a lot, and I am trying my hardest to keep up on school work, but having the luxury of sitting around in my underwear or pajamas and doing it makes it hard to keep up.

I had my birthday party on the 9th of January. It was a pretty good time. If my internet connection gets any more awesome, I'll load a photo. It was fun. Great to see a couple of people that I hadn't seen in a really long time. Good friends, good food, good drinks. Things sort of went downhill over night and at one point I found myself taking a leisurely walk outside in slippers and a hoody with a Dr. Pepper..and i hate that beverage. (It was the only thing I could find that wasn't booze) I would also like to remind you this walk happened during the weeks where it was -50 at night. Funny that I didn't feel a thing. In fact I believe I was nice and toasty. I did learn one thing...jello shooters aren't such a good idea. They get people way too drunk, way too quickly.

The day after my birthday Katie and I went hungover shopping. It was a pretty good time. I found 2 pairs of jeans which is shocking because I never find jeans. and a product red's a lovely support of world aids day. I was happy to support the cause. Although I'm not completely sure about how much of the profits the Gap makes go to the Global Aids Fund. In my opinion it should be all of it because well the Gap makes enough money off of all the other clothes you would think. I dont know how it works.

We saw Benjamin Button the other day. It was one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. Absolutely brilliantly done and it didn't hurt that the main character was Brad Pitt because he does it for me in every possible way. The movie certainly puts thoughts in one's mind. In fact it kept Katie from sleeping. It just really shows that it's never too late to change something in your life if you're not totally happy with the way that it is.

That's been a big thing I'm somewhat struggling with lately is settling for things. I don't want to be that person that settles for anything that's less than what I truly want. I think people who do that short themselves of many great opportunities. Next year I want to travel, but I need to save money and I want to finish school because I'm close to doing that. Maybe I could just do school for one more year and then figure out what to do. Finish my degree and then travel the world before settling for some job. There's also a lot of things that I have been looking at lately that deal with schooling after my degree. We'll see how everything pans out. I have the world at my feet and my whole life ahead of me.

I have some really amazing tattoo ideas and i don't really want to admit it but I think I am slightly addicted. I want to get an elephant on my foot with it's trunk pointing up...I think that it would be incredibly painful and I haven't fully thought that one through so I'll give it a bit of time. I also want to get the letter D on me for my sister. I'm not completely sure where, i think probably on the back of my neck but we'll see what I actually wind up doing. I want to get it pretty small and girly. and I don't think that it will cost very much money or take very long so maybe i'll make that appointment soon.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Keep Checking the Horizon

It's 1:30 AM and I can't sleep even though I am exhausted. I worked a very long day today and maybe it will just take a while to wind down. I should probably start keeping a journal so that I could write things down, get them off my mind. Dariane got me a really nice one for my birthday. Maybe I should start filling it.

Tomorrow I am going to go and buy a few things for my bedroom I think. I need a night table..for a lamp, an alarm clock, and maybe a book.

I need some retail therapy. Really bad. There's something that I have to get over as soon as possible. Or I guess that would be pretty beneficial for me to get over. It's not good for a person to be hung up on something, it'll really drain them.

All of will's stuff is gone now I's feeling pretty empty in here now. We're getting furniture on Saturday from my Mom. It'll be nice to have some extra a rug in the living room. Very excited for that! It's weird when you get to the age that you are excited over getting rugs.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grow Old Along With Me. The Best Is Yet To Come

Things are changing and it's weird.

I have some pretty amazing friends that took me to an amazing dinner for my birthday. We laughed a lot, had some really good conversation. I definitely am one of the luckiest people around to have such great people in my life.

Katie's moving out into her own room where Will once resided. It's going to be strange not sharing a room. I'll miss our late night talks. Hopefully they can still happen...just in the living room..and this way she won't take creepy photos of me when I am asleep.

University work is busy. but I have some amazing coworkers that make it seem a little bit more sane..and a boss who likes to tell me random funny stories throughout the day when I start going a little bit crazy :)

Tonight I was hurt pretty bad and spoken to in a way that has never happened before. It was eye opening.

I'm having a bunch of dear friends over for my birthday this weekend. I am very excited for this and to see some people that I haven't seen in a long long time!

My absolute favorite snack is apples with peanut butter and chocolate chips. That and ice tea reminds me of beautiful summer days at the lake. Oh man do I miss those beautiful days. Simplicity at its finest. Someday, hopefully soon I will go back.