Thursday, January 8, 2009

Keep Checking the Horizon

It's 1:30 AM and I can't sleep even though I am exhausted. I worked a very long day today and maybe it will just take a while to wind down. I should probably start keeping a journal so that I could write things down, get them off my mind. Dariane got me a really nice one for my birthday. Maybe I should start filling it.

Tomorrow I am going to go and buy a few things for my bedroom I think. I need a night table..for a lamp, an alarm clock, and maybe a book.

I need some retail therapy. Really bad. There's something that I have to get over as soon as possible. Or I guess that would be pretty beneficial for me to get over. It's not good for a person to be hung up on something, it'll really drain them.

All of will's stuff is gone now I's feeling pretty empty in here now. We're getting furniture on Saturday from my Mom. It'll be nice to have some extra a rug in the living room. Very excited for that! It's weird when you get to the age that you are excited over getting rugs.

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