Thursday, August 27, 2009

All I need is music and you and the air that I breathe

It's been a really long time since I posted anything with substance. But I also think that no body ever reads this anymore so I'm not really too concerned. Blogging and being on the computer wasn't what I wanted to do this summer and for the most part I didn't do a whole lot it.

I feel way behind on the news because I don't read it anymore, and I don't have TV so I never catch the updates on there either. I kind of like it that way. However, it's kind of a dull day today so I'm at the internet cafe and I decided to do a random update. It might be long, might be short, depending on how I feel I suppose.

This summer has been pretty intense for me. I've done a lot of thinking/growing/changing...which I knew was bound to happen as soon as I got back home.

Hannah and I booked our flights to Australia. I can't express how excited/nervous/anxious I am. This is pretty much the biggest thing in my life that I've done. Yesterday when I called my mom to tell her I think that she was pretty surprised because she didn't really think that I was going to do it. I know that I'm not going to have a lot of money there but what's the difference between being broke in winnipeg or australia. I am going to be working no matter where I am.

This summer I have been talking to my dad and I cautiously say that I think our relationship is on the mend. He really is trying I think and because I've changed a bit I think it'll work. I have learned to put past issues behind us. It's not worth the hurt that it causes me and I'm doing it to myself. There's no point in keeping that. My brother and his wife also came out for a visit at the beginning of August and it was really nice to see them, I don't get to hang out with them very often and then my sister has come out a few times. I haven't really been able to spend a lot of time with her but it is always nice to see her even if it is just for a bit. She's also the one person I know I will have for the rest of my life no matter what (my mom's just a given). Regardless of anything that happens between us we will always be there for each other. And I love that girl to death, I hope that she knows that.

I feel like I have learnt a lot about myself but also a lot about my friends. This summer has proved to be interesting living with two of my close friends. I wish I could say that we all got along and that we are a lot closer after the summer but I don't feel like we are. Maybe even more distant. I guess I'll see what happens when I get back. I feel pretty upset about this but I don't know what to really do about it either. You can only try for so long before both people involved give up.

Things are good. I am happy, I feel content, I'm so excited about this coming year and everything that is going to happen and the new adventures and the learning that is going to happen. But now I have to go to work.

Also when I am on my trip I will be blogging, putting up pictures let you know what's up and that I'm still alive.

1 comment:

Dariane said...

Ah man I was crying reading the whole post, no word of a lie. I miss you so much. I can't imagine how much more when your in Australia.
I'm so happy for you. You are making such a great decision on going. This is what you need mandy. Your going to learn so much about yourself and experience so many new things. I'm so happy for you.
Just be careful out there and come home safe.
I love you so much.