Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hey...we have a new travel blog. I'll post on here too every now and then. But it's probably safe to check both.
That address however is

I miss everyone already.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

She's Only Happy In The Sun

Isn't it nice when you go to a blog and there is a new post :)

Or when I come and check my blog and people comment on it..that makes me smile too.

And Amanda wins hands down for knowing the woman in the previous post is elizabeth taylor.

Isn't it awesome that I get to see my sister one more time before I leave. I'll post pictures of our day. Even though we'll just be hanging out at home.

Isn't it great when you go to a video store and it doesn't take you half an hour to decide what movie to rent but rather only a few short minutes.

Hannah and I are going to start a travel blog. I'll let you know where it is...it's going to be fun. We have no idea what to call it though. I'll let you know when I get more clever. It also might be on wordpress...it's hard to say what I like better.

I'm watching Sex and the City and blogging waiting for Dariane to get here, it's wonderful. The clothes in that movie are amazing and I want them all. Especially the shoes because I feel like I need to increase my shoe collection.

Today I laid out all my clothes and started packing...I couldn't finish though I got lazy. thankfully I have Dariane here to help me tomorrow. Even if it's just sitting with me and hanging out.

Here have a fun little thing that I am going to do...

How it works: I will answer the below random questions - then you answer the questions as a comment. Why? cause sharing is caring *winks*:

1. Today I feel...
pretty fantastic, not wanting to pack, excited and anxious for this coming week...

2. Last night....I went to bed really early because I was exhausted and finally got to watch the season premiere of greys anatomy. Absolutely love.

3. Currently I want...
more music in my life, more pairs of heels, to take everyone with me to australia :)

4. Superman or Batman?
Difficult decision. I mean, Batman clearly has the better outfit and an awesome car - plus he is a billionaire, BUT Superman has super powers, and can fly. I'm on the fence.

5. Worst film you've seen lately?
i have absolutely no idea...i only remember the good ones.

6. Current ring tone?
"Layla" by Eric Clapton.

That was fun, let's do it again sometime. Maybe you should do it on your blog so I can read it.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I put my arms around you

I suck at goodbyes...I avoid them like the plague. I mean really I'm coming back why should I say goodbye. The one goodbye I did say, to my sister, was the hardest thing I have done in a while. I cried for a long time. I hate that feeling. I am also writing this in really choppy crappy sentences. Tomorrow I will be packing, maybe I'll take some photos and blog how it went. That could be interesting and start turning this into a travel blog which I may do if I feel so inclined, which I probably will.

The crickets are slowly putting me to sleep and I know I should just give in. After all I can blog more tomorrow and this isn't something that's pressing although I like posting and I know for me that I like it when the blogs I read have new posts. That makes me happy. :) But not a sideways happy face. Also maybe I shouldn't blog when I am this tired because then stuff like this happens. Me talking about not wanting a sideways happy face or rambling which I am doing right now and it's starting to annoy even me.

Can anyone guess who this woman is? She's absolutely beautiful. 10 points to whoever can guess.

Everytime a fire alarm goes off at the place I am sleeping at that night the first thing I think about is if I should be wearing something. Because I usually don't where much for pj's so if there was a fire I would have to find clothes and that would take time but I couldn't be running around naked. I don't know, maybe I should start wearing clothes to bed. I also thought that the smoke detector was the alarm and then paniced that someone was trying to break in.

This was random and written last night. Maybe you will get something that actually makes sense later today. Until then...

Friday, September 11, 2009

is he bold enough to take you on

I don't have a lot to say anymore. I'm feeling good about everything lately. Which used to make me think something was going to go wrong but this time I don't. Life is just good. I'm happy and content.

I'm going to miss Dariane so much it scares me. She is the person that keeps me sane. My best friend.

I know for once this winter I won't be missing the simplicity and the calmness of the lake.

I got some things to figure out this year.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Doesn't even deserve a title

It's hard to remember to blog when I haven't done it all summer. Now that I have the internet I should update more often but I find myself doing other things. I guess it's better to be doing things other than being on the computer. However, I have spent the whole morning lying in bed catching up on emails and blogs and watching Ellen. Once I'm done this I'll get up, maybe go for a run and have some breakfast. I changed that order and went and made myself a delicious bowl of fruit. So now I'im eating breakfast and relaxing, charging up and syncing my ipod.

I looked at the obscene amount of clothing on my floor and wondered how I was even going to start packing. Good thing I have some time. I also just keep buying things so maybe I should stop that. But it's all things I need for my trip. Which is coming up so fast! And I can't wait and I already miss Hannah..which I suppose is a good thing because I'm going to be spending 7 months pretty much every day with her.

I apologize for this being random...I mean that's how I'm feeling right now with a million different thoughts but usually I don't write when I feel like this. I have a ton of stuff to get done today and tomorrow so why am I taking such a lazy start to the day? I have to go buy insurance for me and for my stuff, I have to download skype to mom and dariane's computer, i have to download a song to mom's ipod. I have to make a delicious supper, maybe I'll post some pictures of that later cause it really is absolutely delicious and about the easiest thing I ever make.

Okay I know that this was pretty useless but I think I'll post it anyways and maybe write something that's worth it later on.