Friday, September 25, 2009

I put my arms around you

I suck at goodbyes...I avoid them like the plague. I mean really I'm coming back why should I say goodbye. The one goodbye I did say, to my sister, was the hardest thing I have done in a while. I cried for a long time. I hate that feeling. I am also writing this in really choppy crappy sentences. Tomorrow I will be packing, maybe I'll take some photos and blog how it went. That could be interesting and start turning this into a travel blog which I may do if I feel so inclined, which I probably will.

The crickets are slowly putting me to sleep and I know I should just give in. After all I can blog more tomorrow and this isn't something that's pressing although I like posting and I know for me that I like it when the blogs I read have new posts. That makes me happy. :) But not a sideways happy face. Also maybe I shouldn't blog when I am this tired because then stuff like this happens. Me talking about not wanting a sideways happy face or rambling which I am doing right now and it's starting to annoy even me.

Can anyone guess who this woman is? She's absolutely beautiful. 10 points to whoever can guess.

Everytime a fire alarm goes off at the place I am sleeping at that night the first thing I think about is if I should be wearing something. Because I usually don't where much for pj's so if there was a fire I would have to find clothes and that would take time but I couldn't be running around naked. I don't know, maybe I should start wearing clothes to bed. I also thought that the smoke detector was the alarm and then paniced that someone was trying to break in.

This was random and written last night. Maybe you will get something that actually makes sense later today. Until then...


manda said...

my guess is elizabeth taylor.

manda said...

ps, i actually like rambly's closer to how people's brains actually work. it's like i'm in your BRAIN!!!

creepy - but not creepy like that rash that girl got one time....which, i won't say how....because we both know, and no sense in feeling sick to our stomachs....

and i will miss you. so don't bother saying goodbye because we'll just end up saying hello over skype or something!

Mandy said...

You guessed exactly right!!! She is freaken beautiful. You have to tell me your skype name so I can add you.