Man, I totally wish I could come up with a more clever title.
While I was away I took lots of photos in the sand for my friend Amanda.
I plan on making her something special with the photos at some point this year but in the mean time I thought that I would post a couple that have turned out to be my favorite.
I never really thought about writing messages in the sand until she mentioned it to me and then I started. And at first I would just write her name or write her cool little things like "amanda, check out this sand" on a really beautiful beach. Or "amanda, this beach is disgusting" but over time I had to come up with something more exciting so I would write other things. And now after writing these other things they turned out to be some of my favorite photos. In fact I'm going to get one of them blown up and framed.
This was definitely one of the coolest little ideas that's been given to me and I'm happy that I did it. I would like to do it whenever I travel and there's a beach laying around.
Things that are awesome lately:
1. Perogies :)
2. Moving in with Dariane tomorrow.
3. Good friends/wine/waterslides.
4. Ice Tea
5. Sleeping in
Yes I do realize that 2/5 of those things are food or drinks. Trust me, it could have been a lot worse because I'm so happy to have some of my old favorites back (like nachos).