Friday, April 30, 2010

messages in the sand.

Man, I totally wish I could come up with a more clever title.
While I was away I took lots of photos in the sand for my friend Amanda.
I plan on making her something special with the photos at some point this year but in the mean time I thought that I would post a couple that have turned out to be my favorite.

I never really thought about writing messages in the sand until she mentioned it to me and then I started. And at first I would just write her name or write her cool little things like "amanda, check out this sand" on a really beautiful beach. Or "amanda, this beach is disgusting" but over time I had to come up with something more exciting so I would write other things. And now after writing these other things they turned out to be some of my favorite photos. In fact I'm going to get one of them blown up and framed.

This was definitely one of the coolest little ideas that's been given to me and I'm happy that I did it. I would like to do it whenever I travel and there's a beach laying around.

Things that are awesome lately:

1. Perogies :)
2. Moving in with Dariane tomorrow.
3. Good friends/wine/waterslides.
4. Ice Tea
5. Sleeping in

Yes I do realize that 2/5 of those things are food or drinks. Trust me, it could have been a lot worse because I'm so happy to have some of my old favorites back (like nachos).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Check this song out :)

I've been home for a few days now...almost a week but it feels a lot longer than that. I've been busy, feel like I'm constantly on the go even though it really hasn't been that way. Maybe it's just cause I haven't been able to sleep in my own bed yet.

The last couple of days I have been able to sort stuff out regarding school and end of travelling stuff like cancelling my visa and what not and it's been nice. I had one of the most amazing adventures of my life and it's something that I will always remember but it's nice to get home and to get back to normal life. I do want to travel still in the future and have already started making plans...but it's going to be awhile before I make enough money.

It's been amazing to see some of my friends, just to have lunch and catch up or wander the mall doing the mundane as Amanda put it. It's just been nice to be in their company after 7 months without them. And to make big plans for the fun trips for birthdays. I know this is short but I feel like I got to post something because my lack of blogging is lame.

So I'm sorry (why do I always feel like I'm apologizing on this blog?)
We'll talk soon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

wish i had a mango tree

First things first, here's a video by a fantastic brother/sister duo. They're brilliant. Listen and love.

Secondly, the video I posted from a week ago..."time to smile" by Xavier Rudd, well that's pretty much on repeat here in my mind or on my ipod and it makes me happy.

Thirdly, I don't think I've been this happy in a long long time. And it's not that I haven't been happy in the past couple of years because I definitely have been, it's just I'm completely content with where I'm at right now. There's still questions that I have looming about where my life is going to go but I don't feel like I have to know that yet. I have a rough idea and that's enough. I have an amazing family and friends and people I know that support me 100% and I get to see them in a very short time. I dont' know, it's hard to explain, I'm just happy. Things are going in a positive direction and I've learned to take a new outlook on life. There's things in my past that I have completely let go of that were keeping me down and it's good. Everything is good.

Fourthly, is it bad that I'm totally planning what I want to eat when I get back to Canada? Yesterday I made up like an entire menu because I can't wait for my mom's cooking and canadian bacon. It's killing me. I'm going to somehow have to satisfy all my cravings in moderation because otherwise I will gain 10 kilos. It's weird that I'm thinking in kilos. I still convert it in my head but that's just the first weight measurement that comes to my mind. Just like driving on the right hand side of the road seems a bit outrageous to me. I hope it feels normal pretty damn quick.

Fifthly, I can't help in these last few days but imagine my mom and sister's faces when I get home and all the emotion's that'll be filling that arrivals gate and it's a tad bit intimidating. I dont' like going into something knowing that I'm going to cry. I almost successfully left home without crying but then after hugging my mom and saying goodbye I knew it was over and I shed heaps of tears. So getting home will be happy tears but tears none the less and I can't wait.

I think I'm done rambling.
Mom, can you please have ice tea at home when I get back. Cordial here just doesn't cut it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I was looking through old photos and found this one from the corn maze that manda and i went to a year and a half ago. I think we should make it a tradition. Only maybe not get quite that muddy. I was terrified in the corn and she just laughed at me. Next time maybe we'll bring some hot chocolate and baileys. It'll be an adventure.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

we're better together

Oh it's been so so long.
I have nine million things to write but maybe I'll just start this off with a nice rambly one. My favorite.

We go home in 4 more sleeps. i can't wait and I know that it's going to go by so fast and then I won't be happy but at this moment, I'm very excited to be going home. I definitely have to sort out a job pretty quickly. But we've found an apartment so that's good. It's not in the best area for me but it's going to be home and it's going to be awesome and amazing.

Our road trip down this way was really great. We definitely saw some really amazing things and met some great people. I'm lacking at my rambling at the moment. I can't believe that it's such a short time before we leave. It's flying by. There's going to be so much to do when I get home though.

Yesterday we finally were able to return our car. I got into a tiny tiny car accident while we had the vehicle. There was a very small dent in the back corner. When we got to the rental drop off place they told us that if we went through the insurance then it would cost us 3000$ and we would get some of the money back later on, in a couple of months. At that time Hannah and I panicked. Neither of us have enough money for that. Then the guy told us that he would be able to take it and get it fixed for us and then close the rental as if it never happened. However, in order for us to do that we would have to give him 700$. Again, neither of us had that amount of money and to top it all off he didn't take international credit cards. We wandered around to a couple of pubs and were finally able to take out enough money using both of our cards. I don't know how or where 400$ came from but it was so lucky. I was shaking talking the guy. I'm so happy that it's done and over with.

We had a clothing party yesterday where we drank copious amounts of wine and watched ladies shop. It was a lot of fun, and the clothes were nice. It was too bad that we couldn't buy anything but we really have no room in our bags. We've been trying to slowly pack up our stuff and it gets harder and harder all the time.

Life is good, we're content. And I'm back to updating regularly. It feels fantastic.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I miss everyone's smiles so so much.
2 weeks until I get to see them again.

I apologize for these sparse and wordless blog posts. I promise that soon they will get better.

Friday, April 2, 2010