Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Check this song out :)

I've been home for a few days now...almost a week but it feels a lot longer than that. I've been busy, feel like I'm constantly on the go even though it really hasn't been that way. Maybe it's just cause I haven't been able to sleep in my own bed yet.

The last couple of days I have been able to sort stuff out regarding school and end of travelling stuff like cancelling my visa and what not and it's been nice. I had one of the most amazing adventures of my life and it's something that I will always remember but it's nice to get home and to get back to normal life. I do want to travel still in the future and have already started making plans...but it's going to be awhile before I make enough money.

It's been amazing to see some of my friends, just to have lunch and catch up or wander the mall doing the mundane as Amanda put it. It's just been nice to be in their company after 7 months without them. And to make big plans for the fun trips for birthdays. I know this is short but I feel like I got to post something because my lack of blogging is lame.

So I'm sorry (why do I always feel like I'm apologizing on this blog?)
We'll talk soon.

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