Monday, April 19, 2010

wish i had a mango tree

First things first, here's a video by a fantastic brother/sister duo. They're brilliant. Listen and love.

Secondly, the video I posted from a week ago..."time to smile" by Xavier Rudd, well that's pretty much on repeat here in my mind or on my ipod and it makes me happy.

Thirdly, I don't think I've been this happy in a long long time. And it's not that I haven't been happy in the past couple of years because I definitely have been, it's just I'm completely content with where I'm at right now. There's still questions that I have looming about where my life is going to go but I don't feel like I have to know that yet. I have a rough idea and that's enough. I have an amazing family and friends and people I know that support me 100% and I get to see them in a very short time. I dont' know, it's hard to explain, I'm just happy. Things are going in a positive direction and I've learned to take a new outlook on life. There's things in my past that I have completely let go of that were keeping me down and it's good. Everything is good.

Fourthly, is it bad that I'm totally planning what I want to eat when I get back to Canada? Yesterday I made up like an entire menu because I can't wait for my mom's cooking and canadian bacon. It's killing me. I'm going to somehow have to satisfy all my cravings in moderation because otherwise I will gain 10 kilos. It's weird that I'm thinking in kilos. I still convert it in my head but that's just the first weight measurement that comes to my mind. Just like driving on the right hand side of the road seems a bit outrageous to me. I hope it feels normal pretty damn quick.

Fifthly, I can't help in these last few days but imagine my mom and sister's faces when I get home and all the emotion's that'll be filling that arrivals gate and it's a tad bit intimidating. I dont' like going into something knowing that I'm going to cry. I almost successfully left home without crying but then after hugging my mom and saying goodbye I knew it was over and I shed heaps of tears. So getting home will be happy tears but tears none the less and I can't wait.

I think I'm done rambling.
Mom, can you please have ice tea at home when I get back. Cordial here just doesn't cut it.

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