Tuesday, August 31, 2010

❝ When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it’s really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do. ❞

This is relevant to my life right now.
I'm so over it.

These are both beautiful. And go along with how I'm feeling today quite perfectly.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

This makes me want to play piano again...and I'm not even that good.

I'm so happy that it's so close to fall. Favorite season by far.

love the way you lie.

I dont' like anything but this bands acoustic stuff but I really really like their acoustic stuff.

Also had my first pregnant dream ever. FREAKED ME OUT.

I'm tired and have had the laziest sunday ever. It's been awesome. Took a 3 hour nap. Unfortunately I don't feel refreshed at all...and I need to shower.

Dariane wants to go see Eat, Pray, Love so that's what we are going to do tonight. I don't know how much I want to see it but I'll give it shot. It may be good.

That's all for now. I can't believe that i haven't posted since Wednesday. I was doing so good there for awhile.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I had this entire blog written out about a lot of the shit that's going on right now. Instead of posting it, I'm going to talk to the people about it first. Maybe then, things can be fixed, and I can let go of this feeling that I have had for so long because it's seriously starting to bother me. As much as I've tried to put stuff aside and bottle it up it's probably not a good idea.
All of these photos are from 2008. It's weird to me because it doesn't seem like that is that long ago but things have changed so much since then.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What I am to you is not real
What I am to you, you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
You give me miles and miles of mountains
And I'll ask for the sea

I know that I have posted this song a million times but it's forever going to be one of my favorites.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I want to do something like both of these things in my new room. The "stay awesome" one for sure. Not sure about the color of the wall or the word "dream" in that photo though. I just like the lights.

Katie and I used to buy these every time there was a change in season at safeway. Yummmmm

Thursday, August 19, 2010

run from them with no direction

I'm going away for a while
But I'll be back, don't try and follow me
'cause I'll return as soon as possible
See I'm trying to find my place
But it might not be here where I feel safe
We all learn to make mistake

And run
From them
With no direction
We'l run from them, from them
With no conviction

Cause I'm just one of those ghosts
Travelling endlessly
Don't need no roads
In fact they follow me
And we just go in circles
Well now I'm told that this life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it

Someone care to classify,
A broken heart and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on

And run
To them, to them
Full speed ahead
Oh you are not
We are just
Misguided ghosts
Travelling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away
And theres no one role
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me
They echo me in circles

cards and quarters.

You know when you have a bunch of really awesome stuff to look forward to and everything just feels like it's going right in your life for the moment. I got that going on right now. If you care I'll post random photos...and explain why my life is awesome.

1. This lovely lady is going to be here in 15 minutes or so. I can't wait to see her. Even if it's only for a short while. She's fantastic.

2. Strath is coming in on Saturday. I haven't seen her in far far too long. We're going to drink..and cuddle (she doesn't know about the cuddling, it would creep her out). We have a bachlorette party to attend. I'll hook you all up with photos after it's over. (It took every bit of me not to type y'all instead of you all...damn)

Before the bachlorette party and on sunday I get to be in the company of these two beautiful girls for a little lunch time/pre drinking/getting ready/drinking and sunday a little fishing/drinking/swimming? It's going to be a riot. I love those two. We're missing a certain someone though. She knows who she is. And she's jealous.

So that's this weekend. Everything will be awesome. Then next weekend is Carly's wedding. I don't think I have any photos of her and I on this computer. I came across one the other day that I used to have in a frame. Then I realized the frames were cheap and tossed them.

Anyways, after much confusion (I just made it stressful for myself really) Colin's coming along with me to the wedding. He's a super fly date. Obviously. I have been told by Carly "I really want people to stay for the dance and make it a fun big party! I am expecting you to dance up a storm." I wonder if she remembers what happened at her social. Ugh. So hungover the next day. We're going to dance up a storm most definitely. It's just how we roll. I can't believe that it's been almost a year since I saw Colin last.

I have no idea why I felt it was necessary that we label our cups and take photos. But it's fantastic.

These few things plus several others that I can't mention on the blog are all reasons I'm super stoked for the next couple of weeks!!!!!

The end.

And I love you all.
Just having some dunkaroos while I wait for Janelle. No big deal. According to D and I these are absolute essentials when we go grocery shopping.
Mmmmm Poptarts. I would live off these if I could. No joke. They're pretty much my most favorite breakfast food besides eggs benny with Katie Strath...or solo.

Can you tell how hungry I am right now? I'd be mad that Janelle was taking forever except I love that kid to death and it's been far far too long since I saw her. So it's all good. I've only had dinner ready for the last 20 minutes. No big deal.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


There was this one night in Australia that Hannah and I were hanging out with this guy...don't remember where he was from. I don't even remember his name but he was pretty awesome. I shared my alcohol with him. I never share my alcohol. Anyways...we were camping at Mission Beach and that was the night that we cracked open a coconut for the first time. So anyways we spent a lot of the night sitting around and talking. There was cane toads everywhere. It was disgusting. I sat with my feet off the ground the entire time and was terrified everytime I walked anywhere. We also saw a massive bat. I think that it was the first bat that we saw there besides the little ones in Dampier. This bat was massive, it was unreal. A few days later we were sitting around playing cards in Hervey Bay and we looked up to the sky and there was bats EVERYWHERE. There was thousands. It was one of the coolest things that I have ever seen. Anyways, this photo just reminded me of that night, so I thought I would share the little story.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Such an attractive couple.

I have my desktop set to change photos every 10 minutes and this one just showed up. Since when do I find this attractive? Too much hair gel, too many jocks...ugh..must delete photo. The end.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I registered for classes a couple days ago. Come fall I'll be learning all about people's personalities, how to eat properly, and how to motivate athletes. I'm pretty stoked. Not excited to have to do work but excited to actually be learning stuff again. I'm a fan of learning. You know how it goes. Not so much a fan of spending money so that I can learn. Uni should just be free, it would make my life so much easier.

The other day we went for dinner for my mom's birthday and the entire night the waiter was creeping on me. The entire night. We made the most awkward strange eye contact when my family was talking about me being single. Awesome. (sarcasm) The dinner was great though. Delicious. Happy Birthday Mom!!! Glad that we could actually somewhat pull off a surprise for you!

Our new apartment is coming along lovely. We just got our new bar table. It's beautiful. I can't wait to get in there and decorate. It's going to be just lovely. Not too long now. I've pretty much moved everything that I can from here already. I might get my dad to move something for me today if he can.

My car died today. Again...I think the starter is broken. I just don't know...always seems to be something wrong with it and I don't know how much a started is to fix but it's so lame! Maybe I should just get used to taking the bus again. It's not all that terrible. Just long and boring bus times but then I would start reading more and that would be a good thing. Speaking of that I should go to the u of m tomorrow to sort some stuff out and make sure that I can graduate in April. Probably need to get that done...considering I work monday to friday all the time.

I'm very very excited for the weekend. Katie is coming out on Saturday and we are attending a bachlorette party that night and then sunday going fishing with some of her friends. It should be a good time I hope.

Dariane wanted rambles so there is some words. Sorry it doesn't have much substance. I'm kind of annoyed at a few things right now and don't want to lose my mind on here. We'll talk soon ok?

Friday, August 13, 2010

I'll write more words tomorrow I promise. Maybe I'll even go old school and ramble for a bit. Let you know all the tiny little things going on in my life. Maybe.
Love love love.


That is all.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Everything about this man (except his age) is fantastic.
Mom you're not married, and he's only 4 years younger than you. That seems just about right.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This is pretty much me every night, especially when I am alone.

in love.

Relevant, but way too hard to actually follow through with.
Also....damn I miss this show...before it started to suck.

Pretty much bang on. Although at the moment the size of each of those spots isn't completely accurate. I'm going to leave it at that however.

Never thought that I could become closer friends with someone even though I haven't seen them in a couple months. This has happened with a couple people this summer.

Please September, come faster.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I think that this might be the cleanest cut guy that I've ever found super attractive. Either way he's hot. Last night Dariane and I went and watched Step Up 3D and he's the main character. It was a good movie. Makes me want to dance...with this man.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I've had several of these moments this week. If everyone that is gone from me right now would come back that would be much appreciated.

The other night I got a text from a dear dear friend and she said that she wished I was up at the lake with her because the northern lights were supposed to be epic and it was the perfect night and she knew that I would be up for staying late and going somewhere with her and watching them. This made me so so happy. I miss her.

forget the horror here.

I wish that I could spend a summer...or even just a month with my dad.

We definitely haven't gotten along for the majority of my life, and I don't know so much if it's that we haven't gotten along but he hasn't been around. I have very very few memories of him from when I was younger. I've done my best to shut him out, not going to lie, but he pushes and pushes and for this I am thankful.

I spend maybe one weekend with him a year. We don't have a father daughter relationship but I wouldn't say that we have a friendship either. It's hard to explain what we have to anyone.

I'm totally his daughter in every way. I see it in myself every day. There are so many of his traits that I have. Him and I talked about this last summer when we were getting ready to head out to my uncles. We talked about how much the last few years has changed both of us and how we were both ready to put some of the stuff that's gone on behind us.

I still don't see him very often and it's something that I don't think will ever change. It's too late for that to change.

Regardless of things I've done or said to him or about him in the past I have no fear that he will always be there for me no matter what and that's something that I take for granted way too often. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time for me to realize it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

This is pretty suiting to my mood at the moment. Brilliant.

I want birds...tattooed on me.
As soon as money will allow me. Not sure of location...I do know how many. Either way I don't think it'll be too expensive. Just have to figure out location on my body and I'm sold.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This man has the most amazing arms. ever.
Since when did I become such a suck for a guy with nice arms.

Favorite line:
" I think, I think I need to go chop off my dick now. Yes I think I will. I don't need my children growing up in a world populated by dipshits like you"

"now my cat has no home"

Oooooh sometimes youtube makes my night.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This is my favorite. And it makes me want pancakes, or possibly eggo waffles. I really wanted to make some pancakes the other day when Kevin was over...but he had them a few days earlier so he was less than thrilled with my idea. We had bacon and eggs instead which is pretty much just as good. I used to hate hate hate breakfast, and now it's my favorite meal of the day...quite possibly because it involves coffee.
"See that girl? Yeah, she’s the one who stuck up for you, the one who stayed up til’ midnight just to talk to you. She’s the one whose heart flutters when she gets a call or text from you, the one who says Good morning every time she gets the opportunity, and the one who prays she’ll get a chance to say Goodnight. Boy, she’s the one who fought for you, the one that missed you and loved you. But by the time you realise that she’s the girl you want, she’ll already be with the guy who figured it out."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

This...makes me want some summer holidays. Now would be nice but really I'll take anytime throughout August.

This post is dedicated to Katie Strath because I'm pretty sure she thinks this man is incredibly sexy. It's also partially for me cause he has guns. And I have a weird new obsession with handguns....that and he is really really hot in this photo.