Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I read this somewhere today and absolutely loved it.
Maybe you can take something away from it too.

"You’re always gonna be the villian in somebody’s story. You can’t please everybody all the time, no matter how hard you try. The best you can do will still never be good enough for everybody. It’s inevitable that you’ll step on a few toes along the way. And you will almost always piss at least a few people off simply by being yourself. You know, that’s life. Those are things beyond your control. Shrug it off, move forward, and realize there’s nothing that can be done. Be Kind. Do what you can where you can. Don’t stretch yourself too thin, but be selfless when you can. Chin up. Accept that other people have flaws, and accept that you have flaws too. You can’t be everybody’s everything and still have some self left for you. "

Monday, March 21, 2011

instead of writing blog posts i was just going to start writing emails. but then i wanted more people to be able to read them.
i had made the choice to move, and it was good and i was excited. and then i told my auntie. and then i started second guessing every single thing. tonight me and her are going to make up a budget. i need to pay off some serious debt and this is the cheapest option most definitely. so i think my best move is to stay where i am. i like being there, and it's hard to imagine not seeing those kids every day.
i think if i'm going to stay i have to change my room a little bit. make more room, put up some pictures, do something different.
also, i need a new phone, mine's officially broken. so i called mts to see about buying it out, then realized i more than likely will be in this province for a few more years so i might as well just stick with them. i've liked them for the last 5 years.
anyways, my rant's over.
i think i need to know the choices that i need to make, i just need to make myself okay with them.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

i'm cold all the time lately. i'm really quite ready for winter to be over. i sit in my tiny little office with this space heater that pumps out a lot of heat and i close my door so that it's like a sauna in here and my toes are still freezing cold and so are my hands. tonight i'm going to a hockey game with scott. i'm going to have to really bundle up, or find a way to warm up between now and then.

i'm going to the city this weekend. i'm going with scott, a few of his friends, and then a couple of my friends. i'm excited, i haven't danced in a while...well i guess since Carly's bachlorette. Katie's coming with me and I'm unbelievably excited to see her. it's been far too long. and she's coming to a club...which means she loves me because she told me it was going to hurt her soul to come to a club but she would do it anyway.

i'm moving april 1st. into a house, with a couple of girls. i'm excited/nervous/anxious. i'm incredibly lucky to have some amazing family that's let me stay at their place and it's been great. i just feel like i need my own space. i need to be able to have friends over and not worry about it. i need to be able to make my own meals (i have a craving for so much stuff that i haven't been able to make). i had the biggest debate with myself on what to do. stay and save more money or move and not save quite as much but be able to come and go as i please and do what i want. clearly money's not as important to me as my own space. plus, this summer i would appreciate some visitors. this can't happen where i am right now.

last night we cleaned the house. then brady and i hung out. just the two of us. i think he likes that, he'll tell me things, we'll look things up. that kids thirst for knowledge is amazing. i feel pretty lucky that i'll be able to have a hand in teaching him all kinds of things. yesterday i started explaining to him things that are going on in libya. ya he's a bit too young to understand it, and maybe i shouldn't be telling him but i think it's important that kids learn things.
also saturday night it's just me and brady....and maybe scott. i'm pretty excited. we might go bowling...i suck at bowling.