Sunday, December 4, 2011

I just realized that this will be my very first christmas without my sister here christmas morning. Apart from when I was in Australia, but that didn't really feel like christmas so it doesn't count. The one constant in my life.

Her and I have this tradition where every christmas morning for as long as I can remember one of us would wake up at 4 in the morning and go wake up the other one and sneak out to check out the tree and then go back to one of our rooms and play skipbo or monopoly or whatever game we could think of to try and pass the time when we could go wake up mom. Yes, we still did this when we were in our twenties.

She'll be out for 7 days shortly after christmas, over new years, but it won't be the same. There won't be a christmas morning. For the last 3 or 4 years now mom, dariane and I have been going to some family friends christmas day and skipping any other gathering that someone decided to have on that day. We've been lucky to be able to do this. Jack and Del are some special special people. Del really is my second mom. She gives me shit probably worse than my mom. This will be the first year without Dariane there for dinner. I think we might ask Del to do it all over again when D comes out. I remember the first time we went there we had just left a ridiculously stressful family event and got there just as everyone was sitting down for supper. We just laid on the couches in the living room and relaxed. It felt cozy, we felt safe, and it felt like we were at home, even though it was the first time we had ever been to their place in the city.

This post is all over the place I know. But i'm just feeling a little sad this morning as I look over at all the gifts I've wrapped that this will be the first year without my sister here.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Favorites on a Friday

Hahahha I'm sure no one reads this. Well i'm going to text D and tell her I posted something and then she'll get here and it won't even be anything quality and she'll be disappointed. Anyways, I'm feeling like posting something random/trying to kill time at work sooooo here ya go.

Favorite TV show:
This changes...all the time. Let's go with Dexter today. Mainly because I've been watching it like crazy allowing for plenty of nightmares lately. Is there something worse that a nightmare because that's what I've been having.

Favorite Food:
This is a toss up between sushi and pizza really. When Colin and I hang out, I'm pretty sure we tend to make the greatest homemade pizza ever. But I haven't seen him for probably almost a year so sushi is quickly taking the top spot on this one.

Normally I use a lot more toppings. Only this cheese pizza looks really really good right now.

Favorite Song: Bon Iver - Skinny Love or Otis Redding - Sitting on the dock of the bay. Definitely a toss up because they're both so good.

Favorite Cocktail: Amaretto sours. or a good mojito. A mojito with fresh mint from a home grown plant. Definitely. Ashley makes the best mojitos.

Favorite Chocolate Bar: Tolblerone - i was eating one the other day at work and someone suggested using it fondue. How have I never thought of this.

Why has no one bought me this yet? This is amazing.

Favorite Kind of Travel: Road Trip for sure. There's something to be said about being in a car with someone for hours and hours and not wanting to kill each other. Also being able to stop whenever you come across something really cool is always a good time.

Favorite Color: Some would try and argue it's black because that's all I wear. I think the fall colors would be my favorite when all combined.

Favorite Coffee: Starbucks...grande 5 pump toffee nut americano. This is amazing. Thank you Julia in first year sociology for introducing me to this amazingness. I could drink one every single day. Good thing there isn't a starbucks in this town.

And that's it, that's all! Maybe I'll post about the half marathon i'm signing up for that's next june one of these days!

Hope you all have a good weekend!