Monday, January 16, 2012

Weekend Rundown

First of all, I need to take more photos if I want to actually blog and make it remotely worthwhile reading.

Onwards, Friday I worked both jobs so it was a long night. Well I got done at 9 so 13 hours isn't too bad. Then I went home and did absolutely nothing. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was blissfully in bed by approximately 10 pm. on a friday night, nothing wrong with that at all. Oh, I also got a very important phone call that resulted in a very important meeting tomorrow which I will share with you as soon as I can.

Saturday morning I woke up, made a big pot of taco chilli, worked out, cleaned/organized a bit. Showered then worked in the evening again. It was dead, insanely dead. So Jordyn and I got off at 7:30 and went to boston pizza for a drink.

That's what I was sipping on. Not on the beach though. Coupled with some delicious apps and the chocolate explosion cheesecake dessert and my life was made.
After having some food and a bevvy I drove on over to Winnipeg to see Matt.

Sunday was the usual, or what has been the usual lately. Him and I woke up, had some breakfast, headed out to get some things done. We got home, cuddled up and watched sons of anarchy/mandy fell asleep drooling and sexy I know. I got up and cooked some dinner for us and it was a nice early bed time.

Oh Sunday also marks a very important day. Sky, my most favorite cousin turned 13!!! It still blows my mind that she's only 13. Especially when she busts out a "that's what she said joke" that trumps any of mine.

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