Sunday, June 8, 2008

Soccer Night

Last night, we had some friends over and had a bbq and played some soccer. It was a pretty good night, I must say. I finally got around to taking a few photos which I wish that I did more often I just have a really really shitty camera that makes me not want to cause it takes about 30 seconds for it to actually take a picture and it gets pretty awkward standing there and making somebody pose for 30 seconds before the photo actually works. And I'm not exaggerating with the 30 seconds, sometimes it takes even longer.
This first one is pretty much my favorite. They all decided that it was necessary to be wearing wife beaters and be on a team while not wearing any deoderent so that they all pretty much smelled as awful as they possibly could have.

Besides this being blurry, I think that it's a pretty fantastic photo of Will. It pretty much sums up what he wishes he could spend his entire life like I think.

This photo summed up Ashley and Andy's relationship pretty well last night. Although it is one of my favorite pictures of those two that I have ever seen.

Ashley and I don't have a lot of pictures of us two together but I kind of like this one minus the creepy look that she thinks she has in it.

That's all I just felt like putting a bunch of pictures on here because I don't think that I have a lot to write about today but I want to start making more of an effort to post on here close to every day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I always get the urge to write something really meaningful on this blog, something that will make a difference in somebody's life and something that has meaning, but everytime I begin to write, i just feel like I can't. Like what I have to say shouldn't be put on the net for everyone to read but by not writing what I am really thinking, there is no way for me to make a difference in anyone's life.
So for this blog, i think that I am going to write about a few changes that I feel that I need to make in my life. That way I have something that will keep me accountable and maybe I will actually make some changes.
The first and main thing is the fact that I need to let people in, when i need help with something I need to tell them and if I tell them that I don't need help not get mad when they don't help me. I also need to relax, not feel that everything needs to be so clean all the time and so rushed, but rather just to have a good time. Enjoy what's going on around me. I think that this is something that is very important for me to do because I don't do it right now. I mean, I enjoy myself and most of the stuff that goes on, but if the dishes aren't done and they are piling up or if thigns are somewhat out of place I get frustrated and i feel that it needs to be done asap and it really doesn't need to be like this. I can relax have a good time and not be so high strung. It's a major flaw of mine and i really don't like that I am like that but it's also sort of a difficult thing to change.
However, even though these two things make up a small part of my personality and I do realize that one's personality is very difficult to change it's soemthing that I feel I must do and I must work hard at it. That's the heartfelt bit of this post

Today Andy and Ashley are coming over for a bbq. I'm pretty stoked it should be pretty delicious. My sister came over and stayed last night. We went to the tavern for drinks and then came here and went to bed. It was pretty laid back but for some odd reason I find it difficult to stay up late, i get so tired so quickly and i don't know why, i just always feel tired.
I wrote myself up a pretty extensive workout/diet plan so I am really hoping that I will be able to stick to it and actually lose some serious weight and keep it off. My goal is to be 130 by october. This isn't that unreasonable. That would be losing 30 pounds in 5 months. I just have to keep up going to Shapes and eating healthier. My biggest problem is snacking as I do it way way too often and this results in a lot of extra calories. I also don't drink enough water which is something that is very very important and paid a large part in me losing 10 pounds in a month.
Okay this is good so far, I am keeping up on posting...2 in 3 days!! Even though I am pretty sure no body reads this. I should maybe think about giving the blog address out...

Friday, June 6, 2008

3 Years!!

On the first of June, Will and I have dated for 3 years. It was a pretty awesome day, we just hung out and went for a bike ride to the Assiniboine Park, it was really great. Wellington is closed on Sundays for bicycle/pedestrian traffic so it was really nice to be able to bike on there and not worry about traffic speeding around.
After we were done at the park we biked to osborne and went and had some supper at the Billabong. It was pretty good, I tried alligators for the first time and it wasn't too bad.

I am deleting my facebook account. Not because anyone is forcing me too and I didn't read the privacy declaration so I still don't really understand the whole hype behind all of that. But rather because I am sick of spending so much time on my computer searching through people's stuff and checking for any new updated statuses or new pictures. I always feel like a weird sort of stalker, even though it's all people I know.
Katie came back from New Zealand and I got to talk to her for a while yesterday. It was awesome! You don't realize how much you miss someone and how much they mean to you until they are gone. I felt like I had so much to catch up on, but really there is only so much you say on the phone. I am looking forward to when she will finally make it into the city and we can hang out. Or next year when we live together and we will be able to see each other more often.

Stephanie is officially moved out as of halfway through the month of may (I'm a little behind in blogging) and Alex and Will are moved in. I enjoy living with them. Will and I moved a whole bunch of his stuff last weekend in the rain on a shopping cart from his place over to here and it was really hard and draining and I was exhausted after it was over. But it's nice that everything is over here and we are getting pretty settled.
Well that's all, i will definitely try and put in more of an effort to blog and actually start telling people where I have this blog so that they can start reading and I can start getting some comments.