Sunday, June 8, 2008

Soccer Night

Last night, we had some friends over and had a bbq and played some soccer. It was a pretty good night, I must say. I finally got around to taking a few photos which I wish that I did more often I just have a really really shitty camera that makes me not want to cause it takes about 30 seconds for it to actually take a picture and it gets pretty awkward standing there and making somebody pose for 30 seconds before the photo actually works. And I'm not exaggerating with the 30 seconds, sometimes it takes even longer.
This first one is pretty much my favorite. They all decided that it was necessary to be wearing wife beaters and be on a team while not wearing any deoderent so that they all pretty much smelled as awful as they possibly could have.

Besides this being blurry, I think that it's a pretty fantastic photo of Will. It pretty much sums up what he wishes he could spend his entire life like I think.

This photo summed up Ashley and Andy's relationship pretty well last night. Although it is one of my favorite pictures of those two that I have ever seen.

Ashley and I don't have a lot of pictures of us two together but I kind of like this one minus the creepy look that she thinks she has in it.

That's all I just felt like putting a bunch of pictures on here because I don't think that I have a lot to write about today but I want to start making more of an effort to post on here close to every day.

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