Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

My current Etsy desires...

These three things come from here...
If you have a lot of money I strongly encourage you to buy everything from there. I really currently want it all..because I am missing the changing leaves and warm sweaters, scarves and tea that fall brings.

This lovely piece was found here :
She also has some really really amazing other jewelry. And it's all pretty cheap. And I have a strong love for owls and elephants. How come fall/winter brings out my love for etsy? Only I am in spring/summer but at heart I'm still a prairie girl and I know what the proper season is right now.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Polaroid anyone?

Round 2 never happened at the gym. There was always people on the machines that we wanted. We went down twice and both time there were people. (There is also only one treadmill and one bike) So when we came up after the second time we settled down to play some cards and taught Cameron our most favorite game ever. The one that we play on the train and on the plane and basically anywhere where we have any time to kill.

Last night I found this really awesome application for my lovely computer that will turn any of your current photos to look like old polaroid shots. It's amazing, I basically spent all evening playing around with it. Not going to lie, it was a pretty good time. If you want to download it for yourself you can find it here.

Today, depending on what time Cameron will be home and what time Hannah wakes up we might, just might do something with ourselves. Like trek on over to the parliment house or we also might just relax because my lovely sickness is still bearing it's teeth and I don't see myself getting better anytime soon. But today the sun is shining and the sky is clear so I think we should make the most of it. I'll let you know if we do anything fun or exciting don't you worry. I'm trying to post lots so when we are travelling and you get nothing you won't be quite as upset.

Round 2

This man is amazing. I don't know if I have posted anything by him, I have quite possibly already posted this video in fact. Either way watch and love because he is phenomenal.

I have countless emails I should be writing...People I need to respond back to or people that I need to get in touch with. If you read this and you are waiting for one it's coming I promise.

Now...however I must go for round two at the gym because I had an epic fail this was absolutely brutal. I'm not getting into it...but basically my entire body was cramping up when I was trying to was absolutely terrible.

Okay...I'll let you know how round 2 goes.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Random Random Thoughts

The time difference sucks. The time when I actually have time to be on the net it's like in the middle of the night/ early early morning for everyone at home. If I want to catch anyone on the net, I have to be on my computer around 11 or 12 and lately I have been able to by putting off everything that I need to get done.

We've been going to the gym lately and it's amazing how much better you feel when you work out. I should have taken a before and after photo. Only I'm not to down with the way I look before. So i'll just take an after photo. In about a year...

I still firmly stand by the fact that apples with peanut butter is the best snack in the world.

A couple days ago (Sunday evening) I had a trial at a steakhouse where I might potentially get a job. It went well but it was so boring. All I did was run food all night. I don't think that I want to work all. But I'll probably keep it until I find something because hey it's money right? I may go apply at a coffee shop in a bookstore today. Because I do love working at cafes. Just not at second cup on the corner of river and osborne...cause that's not really that fun at all. But one in a bookstore has some serious potential.

I have an addiction to guitar hero...ugh. I never thought i'd get hooked on the stupid game but we play it...a lot. It's good fun.

I'm really sick...really really really sick. And I have been for a little while. Yesterday I just about passed out in the grocery store. Apparently I'm good at hiding my sickness because until yesterday when I told Hannah how sick I was she had no idea. I've really screwed up my pills though so that might be why. I am waiting one week before I go to the doctor and tell him I am dying and need to be cured instantly.

I miss friends. I am less and less homesick now but I miss my friends and family like you wouldn't believe. Cameron and Hannah are pretty amazing but it's way cooler if you go out with a bunch of people rather than just one or two. I miss being able to call Amanda and have a little chat and a ton of laughs. I miss making dinner with Rachelle (even though sometimes it's awful peanut butter stirfry) *as a side note never buy all natural organic peanut's not good. I miss colin's excitment for doing anything and everything. That boy is up for anything all the time. I miss calling my mom and getting her recipes (even though I totally did that the other day on skype. I miss Dariane...everything about that kid I miss.

Even though Cameron has a ton of movies we have almost watched them all...well that's not true but the ones that we want to and we are slowly running out of stuff to watch on the tv. Maybe that means that we should get out more. We have plans for this week though...they include: climbing a mountain so we can have a view of the entire city, going to the parliment buildings, and maybe the national war memorial only I think we would need to figure out some transportation there because after our last 14 km walk in flip flops I don't think I ever want to do that again, I guess next time I could wear shoes but that would require socks and I really really hate wearing socks.

That is all for now. Maybe I'll post another one later...that'd be fantastic.

ps. Here is a photo of my hair sort of curly...I was going to complain about how light it is getting but this photo really makes it looks like I just dyed it. I apologize in advance for the fact that my shirt is see through. And i'm wearing a white tank top..and it's lower than my bra...tacky!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

trouble is a friend

I haven't been doing heaps of shopping since I've been here. However, now that we're settled somewhere and the mall is about a 5 minute walk away I think we have been there every day. And I think just about every day I have come home with something. The last thing on my mind is trying to find stuff that I can wear at home as well as out here in the summer because I have bought nothing but dresses and skirts! and a simple white tank top...oh and black pants for my job interview. I'll be set for summer that's for sure, and summer in the city...certainly not at the lake. I guess it's a good thing I'm not going back to the lake. One thing I do kind of miss is amazing fall clothes.

We are going to make a thanksgiving dinner....even though we are a bit late because I suddenly have a mad craving for mashed potatoes and stuffing...and this way we can have better stuff then pumpkin soup and grilled cheese. We had a picnic the other night, we dressed up in matching outfits, had some wine, and ate on top of our was lovely. And the pumpkin soup really was delicious...I encourage everyone and anyone to either give it a go and make some homemade stuff or buy it if you can. It's so so good. That was around 5 and then around 9 we got hungry again and went to the mcdonalds that's a tiny ways down the road and had another dinner.

Today we are heading to the bank to open up a bank account....we have been putting this off for an extraordinarily long time. After that we will head to the post shop so Hannah can send a letter that she wrote forever ago and we've been putting off sending and then the mall because I need a pair of black flats...for work I promise. I never even thought to wear black shoes. I don't know how I am going to pack stuff when we leave. I have a feeling it will be next to impossible and I'll have to send stuff home. Today I might buy ______ and ______ so I can make some christmas presents and send them home along with some of my clothes. Good thing my family can handle getting homemade gifts. Along with something awesome from Australia of course. Something small and cheap. The only thing is everything that we have here is the same as at home. I mean obviously some of it is different but for the most part it's the same so I have a huge dilemma in trying to figure out stuff to buy for people.

So...I wasn't going to tell anyone this but I have a HUGE obsession with all things floral...and there is a ton of clothes here with a lovely floral pattern. I can pretty much guarantee it that I will be coming home with something covered in flowers which is quite a change from anything I currently have. Dont' worry everyone, I still love black in fact my outfit consists of a black pencil skirt and a black shirt...with a white tank underneath...and my lovely gladiator sandals recently purchased. Maybe I'll take a photo later. I think we might be going out tonight, maybe just for dinner but possibly drinks as well. I'll take photos then.

Okay, I must stop procrastinating and get some stuff done!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

We'll take the alleyway today

These are my new shoes :) I do really really love them. They aren't too comfy to walk long distances in. Today we cleaned some of the apartment. I mean we couldn't really really clean it because it's not our place and I am not about to snoop through it but we ran the dishwasher, did the dishes, cleaned up in the living room, cleaned up our corner (where all of our bags are...) This is what it looks like.

I know it's not a very good photo and it doesn't fully demonstrate how messy it is but it will do the trick. I am not going to take an after photo cause I guarantee I will forget to do it, so I am not making any promises.

Here is a photo of my new hair cut. I absolutely hated it at first but I kind of like it now. I am anxious for it to grow out a bit though. When I originally got it done they curled my hair as well and man do I ever wish I took a photo of that. I freaken looked like shirley temple. It was terrible.

That's it that's all for now. I miss you all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am becoming more and more inclined to write on this blog because I know who (well mainly I guess) is reading it. And on this blog I don't feel like I have to put stuff up about the trip because even though I am across the world from the majority of you, on a day like today I just feel like I am in another city away from you. Today Hannah and I went to the mall shopped around a bit, didn't actually buy anythiing and then picked up some groceries and some cider and are back at home this afternoon taking it easy having a drink and planning our supper. So it's just like any other afternoon at home. Except I am in a beautiful apartment on the most lovely welcoming patio with a view of the mountain. That I don't have at home. Maybe I should become friends with people that do though. Just a thought.

Why don't I ever travel at home? Now that I have seen a good portion of the east coast..well only about half in 15 days I wonder why I don't do this at home. It's my resolution for when I get home. To see more of Canada and also of the US because that's where I live. And there would be gas to pay but you could stay in hostels and wouldn't have to pay 1400$ to get there. Because really 1400 is a lot to pay for 2 days in airports. I guess 4 days when you count going home.

I miss home a lot right now, which is common for me to say lately. I don't know how I can do the full 7 months. I just need to get settled somewhere very soon and start making some money. It's really really getting me down lately. The missing home...not lack of a job.

Today I finished Dariane's birthday present. I sent it to her already, even though it's half a month early. I just couldn't wait to share it with her. I hope she likes it, seeing as it's not something material but only something on the computer because really I don't exactly have the money or time to send her something over the sea by ship...or by plane. That'll come around christmas.

Life is good right now. Really good. I need a job though asap. It's nice to be staying somewhere for free though, and to not quite have to worry about it yet. Soon though we will be worrying about it and finding something as soon as possible. Maybe some fruit picking out here. Near Melbourne we might be able to find something, I just know that I need something soon. I think on Thursday or Friday next week I will get out of here and move on to try and find something. Maybe go to Perth a bit early than I anticipated if I can find something there because at least I have friends there I can see.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I gotta feeling..

We got out of a dodgy hostel this morning. It had the potential to be something really amazing but then was just grimy amd gross. With large clumps of hair in the shower. I'll put photos up on the travel blog soon. There wasnt a way for me to do that at the other hostel.

I'm doing a bit better than I was a few days ago. I was really homesick. It's helped that I have talked to both my mom and my sister on skype recently but talking to them kind of makes it worse. It's hard and crazy that I'll be here for so much longer but I will be so so happy when I see them again. And...I get to live with Dariane when I get back :) This makes me happy. So happy.

Everything is good out here. Life is pretty amazing. I don't have to wear shoes or flip flops, i can just walk around barefoot all the time. How could anyone complain about that. It's pretty much the most ideal place for me.

I don't know if anyone reads this blog anymore, i'll update the other one soon I promise. With photos and such.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

sound of silence

I know that I haven’t updated this much since I left. Or at all, but everytime we get a chance to be on the internet I usually update the other one. I also haven’t had a lot of time to write because we have constantly been with other people and I don’t take the time to be by myself so that I can write. Tonight the other girls in the room went out and I decided to stay in. Mainly because I have no money but also because I need some time to be alone. I’m the kind of person that needs to be alone every now and then and I haven’t really had a single chance to it’s about time. Even though as soon as I am done this I am going to turn the lights off and go to bed.

I can’t believe how lucky I am to be here. It’s the most amazing thing and everytime I go somewhere new and wander around or take in the sights I am blown away. How did I get this amazing opportunity to be on this trip and meet so many new people and learn so much. I’ve learnt tons about myself already and everything else. It’s hard to imagine what the next 7 months is going to entail. I can see how people become addicted to this travelling thing because it’s such a different feeling to be living out of your bag and not knowing your next destination until the day before and not knowing where you are going to sleep the next night until the day of or the day before. I’m the kind of person who likes to have control, to know where I am and I hate being lost. Oh dear how that has changed. It’s awesome to have no plan and to wake up and walk down the road and then find something awesome and do that for awhile. To have no schedule, no places to be by a certain time. It’s absolutely amazing.

I miss my sister and my mom more than I ever thought possible. Today I talked to my mom on skype and it was so good. Even though my microphone didn’t work so I had to type the whole time. I can’t imagine how I can be here for 7 more months and not see them. I wish that I could be in two places at once.