Wednesday, October 7, 2009

sound of silence

I know that I haven’t updated this much since I left. Or at all, but everytime we get a chance to be on the internet I usually update the other one. I also haven’t had a lot of time to write because we have constantly been with other people and I don’t take the time to be by myself so that I can write. Tonight the other girls in the room went out and I decided to stay in. Mainly because I have no money but also because I need some time to be alone. I’m the kind of person that needs to be alone every now and then and I haven’t really had a single chance to it’s about time. Even though as soon as I am done this I am going to turn the lights off and go to bed.

I can’t believe how lucky I am to be here. It’s the most amazing thing and everytime I go somewhere new and wander around or take in the sights I am blown away. How did I get this amazing opportunity to be on this trip and meet so many new people and learn so much. I’ve learnt tons about myself already and everything else. It’s hard to imagine what the next 7 months is going to entail. I can see how people become addicted to this travelling thing because it’s such a different feeling to be living out of your bag and not knowing your next destination until the day before and not knowing where you are going to sleep the next night until the day of or the day before. I’m the kind of person who likes to have control, to know where I am and I hate being lost. Oh dear how that has changed. It’s awesome to have no plan and to wake up and walk down the road and then find something awesome and do that for awhile. To have no schedule, no places to be by a certain time. It’s absolutely amazing.

I miss my sister and my mom more than I ever thought possible. Today I talked to my mom on skype and it was so good. Even though my microphone didn’t work so I had to type the whole time. I can’t imagine how I can be here for 7 more months and not see them. I wish that I could be in two places at once.

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