Last night I found this really awesome application for my lovely computer that will turn any of your current photos to look like old polaroid shots. It's amazing, I basically spent all evening playing around with it. Not going to lie, it was a pretty good time. If you want to download it for yourself you can find it here.

Today, depending on what time Cameron will be home and what time Hannah wakes up we might, just might do something with ourselves. Like trek on over to the parliment house or we also might just relax because my lovely sickness is still bearing it's teeth and I don't see myself getting better anytime soon. But today the sun is shining and the sky is clear so I think we should make the most of it. I'll let you know if we do anything fun or exciting don't you worry. I'm trying to post lots so when we are travelling and you get nothing you won't be quite as upset.
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