Monday, December 28, 2009


I’m pausing my talk of travelling and anything work related. I’ve been pretty sick for a few days and I’ve been in bed every time I’m not working. Which means lately because there’s no guys up here I’ve been in bed a lot. I would like to say it’s been nice but I hate being sick. And there’s only so much House I can take and I’ve watched everything else on my computer a million times. Plus every time I watch an episode all I can picture in my head is Katie saying “It could be neurological” every time anyone complains about something hurting, which cracks me up and makes me miss that girl.

Anyways I think I have decided that I am no longer making new years resolutions because I look back on them and I see that I have changed and that some things are different and that my life is no where I thought that it was going to be last year at this time. Instead of New Years Resolutions I think I’ll just make wishes…and hope that they all come true. Some of them will come true with my hard work and determination and some may not. Some might just happen. You never know.

I guess going on the theme of wishes maybe I should just have three. At this point I can only think of a couple off the top of my head but I know I will think of more. I guess that my time is also running out because it’s almost New Years Day and I should have them all down before that day comes around. I’ll see what I can do.
Wish #1
I know this is completely cliché and lame but I do want to lose some weight. I have lost weight since I got here and when I go home my sister and I are going to start running which is something I do enjoy doing when I’m doing it with someone who has the balls to scream at me to keep going when I want to stop. I know that this isn’t going to be until May when I am home and we’re settled but look out world. Along with this idea of a little more fitness in my life I would really like to do a bit more of the walks and runs for different causes. I think Dariane has done it in the past and would hopefully like to continue doing it in the summer with me because I would love to do a bit more of that. Anyone else like to join let me know. Although I’m not looking into any of it until I get home.
I also can’t wait to be able to cook again and will start cooking healthier when I get home. I think that having someone that I live with constantly holding me accountable will be really helpful.
Wish #2
I want to travel when I get home. I want to take a bit of time off work this summer and I want to go on a road trip and camp along the way. It doesn’t have to be expensive or anything and it doesn’t have to be long but after seeing a large portion of Australia in a fairly short time it makes me realize how little of my own country I have seen, and I would like to see more of it. I also want to go with my sister and some friends because I think it’d be a really fun time. I also want to go to Churchill and see the polar bears, and I want to take the train up there. Anyone game for an adventure?

Wish #3
I want to finish school and get a job. This is just an obvious one though. I only have about a year left so it shouldn’t take me that long. I don’t know if I can do it one year but I’m hopefully going to start when I get home, take some summer classes and then have a little less to do, but we’ll see because I always want to enjoy the summer and spend time with friends and family.

I kept it down to 3. I have a few more but I think I’ll just keep those private. My mom called me just because she missed me last night and it made me very happy. It was also nice just to talk about stuff other than work. The drama here is getting a bit much for me to handle. I am so lucky that all the girls at home aren’t this dramatic. Last night Lizzy left and Hannah and I were both a bit bummed out. She’s one of the girls who we became close to and liked a lot. It’s pretty awesome though that we’re able to meet so many girls here and make a few lifelong friends.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas day has come and gone and it feels like it was never even here. The day was good and I’ll give you a little rundown of the events.

We both worked Christmas eve and the pub was insanely busy. I’ve never met so many people that want to get loaded Christmas eve. It’s a lot different at home. That’s one of my most favorite nights of the Christmas season because for the last couple of years it seems to be a tradition that we go over to my aunt and uncle’s and spend the evening with them and it’s always a really good time. I miss them a lot and especially around this time of year. It’s definitely not a night where you go get hammered at the bar. Anyways so once we got home Hannah and I were still pretty wide awake and decided that we would open our gifts that night because it was technically Christmas morning already. I got Hannah a robot tank top and a new wallet and I was so happy that she loved both of them. She got me a backpackers guide to Australia!!!! And a watch! I was so excited about both of them. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I guess when you spend every day with someone you’ll figure something out to buy that they really really want.

So fast forward through the night to 7:30 in the morning and we hear knocking on our door. Hannah opens it up and there’s the guys waking us up with drinks in their hands. They’d already been drinking since the night before…with a couple hours of sleep thrown in there somewhere. We sent them on our way and took a bit of time to wake up. Then we went to another girls room and hung out had some chocolates, shortbread and bubbly and were on our way to a good day. At 11 we went and opened presents with everyone and it felt like a giant family get together with all 20 to 30 year olds. Once we opened presents it was off to the pub where we essentially could help ourselves to anything. You can imagine how that went for the majority of the day. There was a lot of drinking and swimming and it was a lot of fun. At around 5 I came to bed because I needed to sober up a bit and I was pretty tired. Hannah came in at 6 to wake me up and I asked her to give me a bit more time to sleep and then at 6:30 she came in and I wouldn’t wake up at all. Then at some point Dolores came in to get my computer and I went upstairs and helped her get on skype so she could call her family. I sat with her for awhile waiting for them to get on and I started to get cold…shivering strange cold. I came back in here and laid down…I don’t really remember doing this and Hannah came in a little while later to wake me up and tell me she was going to the beach and then I realized I had a massive fever. I was so cold but so hot and the air con was on and it was just a mess. I hadn’t felt so sick in such a long time. I tried everything to get it down, a couple girls came to check on me several times, I talked to my family, I had a really bad panic attack and that’s about it. The next morning I woke up sick but no longer had a fever and since then I’ve just been sick. I think I have strep or possibly the flu. If it doesn’t go away by Wednesday I may stop at the hospital for a little visit.

So for the most part it was a good day. Definitely not a Christmas day but a fun day. I missed everyone at home an insane amount and wish I could have been there for a few days but next Christmas will be all the better for it. And also I am getting better slowly but surely. I think I just have the flu so with a few good days of rest I should be alright.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

After reading that blog over I realized I probably have said that stuff about a million times already. I feel like this blog is just me saying the same thing over and over because I try to write our travel related stuff on that blog but I think that from now on I’ll put that idea off and just write down whatever I want even though it might be about travel because that’s what I’m doing right now so really that makes sense.

Also I just heard that Britney Murphy died which is kind of crazy. She was a good actress and really really funny. She died from a heart attack at only 32. Scary because you certainly don’t think

It’s rained the last 3 days here every afternoon. It’s so nice and makes everyone so happy. It’s too bad that it’s always so hot in the morning when we are working. It’d be nice if it rained and was nice and cool in the morning when we are housekeeping. It seems like the states are getting pounded with a bunch of snow, I wonder if home is as well.

Last night someone at work goes “Where do you live?” To which I responded “I’m not telling you where I live” Then he goes “Why not? Where is it, what room are you in?” And I said “No, it’s none of your business where I live and I’m not going to tell you.” And here’s the kicker, as I am walking away he said to me “How about sex, let’s go have sex.” I said Hell No, you’re disgusting and so incredibly rude and walked away and refused to serve him anymore. Who has nerve like that? I mean seriously what an asshole. He was one of the two guys that said to Lizzy (a girl we work with) that asked her what she thought of American men. She told him that they were some of the rudest, crudest most disgusting animals she’s ever encountered.

This morning at work we were cleaning rooms and because it’s close to Christmas we don’t have many people staying here. So with fewer people we think that there won’t be anything nasty in the rooms right? Well, we walk into a room today and it smells disgusting. We all comment on it, look in the bathroom and there’s a tiny bit of vomit on the floor. Kind of a big deal but nothing to get worked up about. Then, we walk into the bedroom and see puke down the wall to a nice pile of towels covering up what we think is a disgusting pile of puke. Hannah starts gagging, Lindsey starts gagging, I start gagging, Hannah starts tearing up…you get the idea. We go ask our supervisor what to do with it and she comes and cleans it up. Thankfully because I think any of us would have just added puke to the pile. It was so nasty. Luckily at least we get the satisfaction of knowing the people do get charged when they puke in their room and leave it for us to clean it up. I don’t understand why if we got up to make it to the side of the room where he puked why he couldn’t have just walked in the opposite direction to the bin but whatever. I don’t really understand the men around here either.

Well that’s a few of the things that I deal with at work. I was also told today by my boss to smile more with which I responded…”It’s going to be fake so why bother?” I can’t stand my boss. He’s the most negative person I have ever met in my life. I don’t get how someone could be that negative and still be alright…how can he ever experience any joy whatsoever in his life. It’s quite sad really.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Have you seen my love?

Amanda has me hooked on Matt Good. At the moment the only thing I ever listen to is Damien Rice and Matt Good. I can’t get enough. She’s recommended another band called “The Gossip” which I have yet to have a listen to as well as Mother Mother which I already love. She’s got some good taste so next time I can download music you can be assured that I will give it a go.

My back and legs have never been this sore in my life. Today got me good and I don’t know why. I didn’t do anything strenuous, I didn’t even have a housekeeping shift, I just can’t even muster up the strength to move, I’m that sore. Hannah asked me to show her wear on my back that was sore and I touched the top, middle, bottom and my shoulders. She thought I was exaggerating to which I assured her I wasn’t and I was in that much pain. She then offered me a massage. She’s the best. I didn’t even complain with the intention of her giving me a massage I really was just that sore. I was even doing some stretches behind the bar because it was bad enough that I didn’t even care what kind of comments I would receive. I also found a massive bruise on my ass from when I fell down the stairs. Hannah said she saw it in the pool today and it was only green so it was alright but then I pushed my bathing suit bottoms to the side and discovered it’s also purple/red, only green around the outside. At least it’s healing. I can’t imagine what it was like a couple of days ago when it was fresh. It’s probably a good thing that I didn’t look at it. Okay, I’m done complaining.

Life is alright, I’m getting on. My hair is growing fast and I have some pretty intense roots right now. I keep debating on picking up hair dye and then deciding it’s not worth it. I’m not too concerned with my appearance here so why waste the money. Today my boss said to me “wow, your eyes look really beautiful today, what did you do different?” Well I put makeup on and I actually spent time getting ready for work for one of the first times since I got here. At least it got noticed besides the drunk men at the bar.

I wish I had a more exciting update. Or something to blog about. I’m lacking inspiration at the moment. Normally I have something to talk about, something I am thinking about but for the last few weeks I feel like I’m just a straight line. Just going through the days, working, sleeping, eating. There’s not much else to do so it’s understandable but then when I say that I feel like I am making excuses for not really living. I don’t like feeling like this. I need a good conversation, I need someone to snap me back to my old self. Only everyone from home (the people that have superb conversational skills) I can’t connect with properly, because we hardly ever have internet. I talk to Dariane and that keeps me going, makes me happy, makes me smile. And Katie texts me at least every other day so that’s also good. The other day mom called and that was good but I want to sit down with someone and see them and talk to them. I want to ask questions and get more than a ya or a maybe. I want something to keep the conversation going. There’s nothing that gets me more than that. When you ask a question trying to start a conversation and you feel like you’re talking to a brick wall.

I think when I get home I want to take up playing piano again. Only we got rid of our piano I do believe. So maybe that one will have to wait. Dariane and I have been talking about our apartment just about every time we talk. Ideas we have and things we want to do. I can’t wait to move back to the city and have a place to call home again. It will have been a year since I have lived somewhere that’s my own and it will be amazing. You don’t realize how lucky you are to have a home until you don’t live anywhere for a long time. There’s a lot of stuff that I have in storage that I haven’t seen since April of last year and when we get to unpack it, I have a feeling it’ll be like Christmas all over again. I think we will probably live close to school but I’m not really sure. Dariane said it didn’t matter to her where we live so then I am thinking about how great it would be to be in Osborne again but I don’t know. You pay a ridiculous amount for what you get in some of those places and although I thought that I really like character buildings I’m not sure I do. Everything just gets wrecked and is old. Even though it’s got character, I do like things that aren’t broken. Steph and I had a nice place and I wouldn’t mind living there again. It’s on a good bus route and the apartment itself was really nice and you can definitely do a lot with it if you want to, which I think we do.

My birthday is coming up and this is the first year that I haven’t been excited for it. Even though I know there’s usually drama on my birthday and last year a whole lot of it thanks to a couple of my best friends. Thanks girls!! (Just kidding I don’t know what I would do without you!) This year it’s going to be weird here with none of the people I love most. I got Hannah so that’s good, I would be dreading it a lot more if she wasn’t here but normally it’s a day to get everyone together and just have a good time. This year it’ll be fun but it won’t be the same. Hannah and I are going to try and get a couple of days off to celebrate and recuperate but it won’t be the same. I’m throwing a large party when I get home. I miss the parties that Strath and I had. Even though it didn’t always go as planned (hospital visits and other drama) it was always pretty fun.

I should go have some tea and then start another shift. Katie asked me today if I was always working and I realized I pretty much always am working. I haven’t had a day off in a long time but it’s a bit different because we usually have the afternoon off. Although when we have the day time off it’s too hot to do anything but hang out in your room. We have a day off together on Wednesday and I think that we’re going to drive out to Port Samson and do some sight seeing. Might as well make the best of it while we are here.

Amanda has me hooked on Matt Good. At the moment the only thing I ever listen to is Damien Rice and Matt Good. I can’t get enough. She’s recommended another band called “The Gossip” which I have yet to have a listen to as well as Mother Mother which I already love. She’s got some good taste so next time I can download music you can be assured that I will give it a go.

My back and legs have never been this sore in my life. Today got me good and I don’t know why. I didn’t do anything strenuous, I didn’t even have a housekeeping shift, I just can’t even muster up the strength to move, I’m that sore. Hannah asked me to show her wear on my back that was sore and I touched the top, middle, bottom and my shoulders. She thought I was exaggerating to which I assured her I wasn’t and I was in that much pain. She then offered me a massage. She’s the best. I didn’t even complain with the intention of her giving me a massage I really was just that sore. I was even doing some stretches behind the bar because it was bad enough that I didn’t even care what kind of comments I would receive. I also found a massive bruise on my ass from when I fell down the stairs. Hannah said she saw it in the pool today and it was only green so it was alright but then I pushed my bathing suit bottoms to the side and discovered it’s also purple/red, only green around the outside. At least it’s healing. I can’t imagine what it was like a couple of days ago when it was fresh. It’s probably a good thing that I didn’t look at it. Okay, I’m done complaining.

Life is alright, I’m getting on. My hair is growing fast and I have some pretty intense roots right now. I keep debating on picking up hair dye and then deciding it’s not worth it. I’m not too concerned with my appearance here so why waste the money. Today my boss said to me “wow, your eyes look really beautiful today, what did you do different?” Well I put makeup on and I actually spent time getting ready for work for one of the first times since I got here. At least it got noticed besides the drunk men at the bar.

I wish I had a more exciting update. Or something to blog about. I’m lacking inspiration at the moment. Normally I have something to talk about, something I am thinking about but for the last few weeks I feel like I’m just a straight line. Just going through the days, working, sleeping, eating. There’s not much else to do so it’s understandable but then when I say that I feel like I am making excuses for not really living. I don’t like feeling like this. I need a good conversation, I need someone to snap me back to my old self. Only everyone from home (the people that have superb conversational skills) I can’t connect with properly, because we hardly ever have internet. I talk to Dariane and that keeps me going, makes me happy, makes me smile. And Katie texts me at least every other day so that’s also good. The other day mom called and that was good but I want to sit down with someone and see them and talk to them. I want to ask questions and get more than a ya or a maybe. I want something to keep the conversation going. There’s nothing that gets me more than that. When you ask a question trying to start a conversation and you feel like you’re talking to a brick wall.

I think when I get home I want to take up playing piano again. Only we got rid of our piano I do believe. So maybe that one will have to wait. Dariane and I have been talking about our apartment just about every time we talk. Ideas we have and things we want to do. I can’t wait to move back to the city and have a place to call home again. It will have been a year since I have lived somewhere that’s my own and it will be amazing. You don’t realize how lucky you are to have a home until you don’t live anywhere for a long time. There’s a lot of stuff that I have in storage that I haven’t seen since April of last year and when we get to unpack it, I have a feeling it’ll be like Christmas all over again. I think we will probably live close to school but I’m not really sure. Dariane said it didn’t matter to her where we live so then I am thinking about how great it would be to be in Osborne again but I don’t know. You pay a ridiculous amount for what you get in some of those places and although I thought that I really like character buildings I’m not sure I do. Everything just gets wrecked and is old. Even though it’s got character, I do like things that aren’t broken. Steph and I had a nice place and I wouldn’t mind living there again. It’s on a good bus route and the apartment itself was really nice and you can definitely do a lot with it if you want to, which I think we do.

My birthday is coming up and this is the first year that I haven’t been excited for it. Even though I know there’s usually drama on my birthday and last year a whole lot of it thanks to a couple of my best friends. Thanks girls!! (Just kidding I don’t know what I would do without you!) This year it’s going to be weird here with none of the people I love most. I got Hannah so that’s good, I would be dreading it a lot more if she wasn’t here but normally it’s a day to get everyone together and just have a good time. This year it’ll be fun but it won’t be the same. Hannah and I are going to try and get a couple of days off to celebrate and recuperate but it won’t be the same. I’m throwing a large party when I get home. I miss the parties that Strath and I had. Even though it didn’t always go as planned (hospital visits and other drama) it was always pretty fun.

I should go have some tea and then start another shift. Katie asked me today if I was always working and I realized I pretty much always am working. I haven’t had a day off in a long time but it’s a bit different because we usually have the afternoon off. Although when we have the day time off it’s too hot to do anything but hang out in your room. We have a day off together on Wednesday and I think that we’re going to drive out to Port Samson and do some sight seeing. Might as well make the best of it while we are here.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I long for the day when I can take a cold shower again and not be forced to take a hot one because it’s so hot outside that the pipes can’t keep the water cold…or whatever it is that makes the pipes cold.

On the shower note…

I long for the day that I can open the curtain and look out at a nice bathroom…even if it is one in a hostel. As long as it’s not a cement room with an open concept (pipes and electrical lines everywhere) ceiling. Oh and did I mention the cockroaches…and the fact that not only do the crawl fast, they can also fly. Oh I love bugs.

I long for the day when I can cook a proper meal and not eat some disgusting casserole of all the uneaten leftovers from last nights dinner. (Sometimes, the foods alright, most of the time, I’d just really rather not eat)

I long for the day when I don’t have to consume 10 liters of water a day to keep myself from getting heat stroke.

I long for the day when it mattered that I didn’t have money because there was actually some place to spend it.

I long for the day when I can wear makeup again and not worry about it running off my face the second I walk out the door.

I long for the day when I can go to the beach again and not worry about the shark infested waters. Oh I don’t think I’ve mentioned the insane amount of sharks up here in lovely Dampier. They used to have a shark net up around the beach. They’ve recently taken it down, why you may ask? I have no bloody idea.

I long for the day when I’m not repulsed by all men. Last night at close in the bar Hannah went to do a round and pick up glasses and there was a man standing at the bar…where he stood all night creeping us out. Anyways, she glanced over and noticed a certain liquid running down his leg…and a massive puddle on the floor. Who gets so drunk that they can’t even manage their bladder. Seriously?
**Don’t worry, I’m not going to become a lesbian, I just need to see one or two decent men. Most of these guys have wives and girlfriends back home…and come here to cheat on them. Sick.

Oh did I mention that the bar we work at has what they call skimpies?? She comes in for a week and pretty much works behind the bar in next to nothing. As the night progresses she takes off more and more clothes…eventually wearing nothing but a fishnet top. She’s a nice girl and all but I pretty much want to vomit every time I see her nipples coming at me.

I long for the day when I don’t get random drugs shoved in my mouth. I still can’t believe that happened. First and hopefully the last time…I’m not really into the drug thing. I don’t even feel safe leaving a glass of water behind the bar.

The end of January and me being thousands of dollars richer can’t come fast enough. I’m not as shallow as this post makes me sound. I promise. I just have come to realize that I’m pretty girlie…and would like my old life back anytime now.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do You Know Me?

My mind is filled with heavy thoughts. This trip has been good for helping me sort things out and it’s changed me in ways I never thought possible and for all this I am extremely thankful. I guess now that we’ve been here for a little while and we’ve had time to settle into a routine I’ve had time to stop and really think about things. One of the main things that I have learned is that I’m not the kind of person that can be away from my friends and family. They mean so much to me and I need them in my life and I need to see them regularly. Which at home I do and will definitely continue when I get back. I don’t want to get into all my thoughts on here yet because I haven’t even figured them out in my head. This may just be another rambly post, my apologies if you hate those.

Today I talked to Dariane, well I talk to her every few days. It’s funny because I talk to her way more now that I am across the world than I ever did at home. I guess it takes absence to make one realize how much the other person means. Anyways, we got to talking about our apartment when I get home. Unless she is off to RCMP training we are going to get a place together and I’m unbelievably excited to decorate it. I know it’s a bit ridiculous to be planning this already but I’m so excited. Sometime within the next couple of years I want to buy myself a really good bed. After being here and sleeping on crap beds the whole time I can’t wait until I get to sleep in my bed from home. I think beds are something that people should really indulge on because really people spend a lot of time in their beds so they should be good. We’re also going to need a TV and a table and chairs and it’s just going to be fun looking for the little things to make our place feel like home. I get to move just about a week after I get home so it’s going to be pretty busy for the first little while. Oh, and we get to paint I hope so it’s going to be real good and homey. I’m excited to be getting a place that I’ll probably be in for awhile, rather than just one year.

This summer is going to be good and it’s going to be busy. A friend wrote to me the other day talking about drinking by her pool on the hot summer days and I can’t wait. It’s going to be fun. There’s also a wedding that I’m in in August and I am very excited for this. There will be a few wedding things that I’ll have to do all summer and it’s going to be so much fun! I’m also going to be on a road trip/camping trip with some friends so that will be fun, and just being back at home. I’m excited to be back there with the people I love in the place I feel most comfortable. It’s definitely a good thing getting out of your comfort zone and you learn a ton about yourself but I’m not the kind of person who needs that I don’t think. I needed it once or I would have always wondered what it would be like, but 7 months away is really all I need. Now I just want my comfy slippers, a hot mug of tea, and curling up with a late night movie. Or a bottle of wine and my closest friends. All sound rather nice.

I also miss concerts. I will try to maybe go to one here but I don’t think it will wind up working out. And Winnipeg has some amazing shows in winter. Matt Good, Tegan and Sara, Michael Franti and John Mayer. All shows I would have gone too. I’m sure that there is a bunch more but these are the only ones that I have heard of my friends going to. I’m sure that there are a few more. Good thing there’s usually a couple good shows in the summer that I’ll be able to go to.

Work is good here. It’s hard work but the money’s fantastic and I’m already quite used to it. It’s good to be busy. I don’t think I’m going to fit in here. I mean I already know that I’m not going to fit in. These girls drink…a lot. And I’m definitely not the type who feels the need to go get loaded every night. Nor do I feel the need to go into a bar where the minute you walk in everyone turns and stares you up and down. I don’t need to feel like a piece of ass, so I’ll be avoiding that bar at all costs except for when I have to work. Those days I’ll deal with it because any extra tips I get would be fantastic. I want to come home with a bit of money and I think that I will if I can stick this job out for a couple months so that’s really my motivation. Stick it out, make a bunch of money so that when I get home I’m not in a huge amount of debt. And I think it will be successful.

That’s all my rambles for now. Katie just told me that it was suppose to be -50 tonight. And it’s just about 45 degrees here. That’s almost a 100 degree difference. I think that I would give anything to be in -50 just for a day…and then settle with a nice +25. I’m excited for snow when I get home.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Half of my Heart

So it’s been a couple days and I really don’t know how much I’ll be posting for the next 5 months. I know that I always say that and then post a whole bunch but this time for real, I have no idea about an internet connection. This might be the way that friends/family will have to keep in touch.

When I got here I freaked out. ( you can read about the place on my other blog) Those of you who know me and know me pretty well will know what I mean. I was scared and I felt alone. Amongst all these people I felt alone and I didn’t think I could handle it. I wondered why I came all the way to Australia to be in the middle of nowhere working my ass off and sweating like nobody’s business. But the money is good, no the money is amazing. I am making 22$ an hour to serve and to clean rooms and it’s really not that bad. I think that if I ever have a kitchen shift it might break me though. There’s a reason I don’t do dish bitch at home. I can’t stand it. But I think that I’ll be coming home with money if I stick this job out. I think I’ll be able to pay off my credit card and even have some money when I get back home. So, I’m trying to look at it optimistically, and even though it’s hard I think it’ll work out and really it’s only 2 and half months.

I was talking to a girl the other day and she told me that they have blocked facebook and hotmail on the server here and it made me feel a bit trapped. There’s a place a little ways down the road that has internet though so that was good to find out. Then we can at least go there and send people messages.

The girls here drink…a lot and I’m not so into that so I don’t know if I’ll make a lot of friends here because that’s all they do, because there isn’t anything else to do. I have to save my money though and drinking costs a lot of money.

I don’t know if my mom remembers this or not but when I was young I did a co-op ed thing at the health sciences center and she took me to a small apartment type thing there to stay in for the week and it was scary. When she left she made sure I was okay and everything but then when she closed the door I started bawling and that was sort of the feeling I had when I got here. I didn’t cry though. It’s just, I can’t even begin to explain what it’s like. Although the other day when I was walking back to my room from Hannah’s there was a kangaroo that was like 5 feet away, that was really cool.

It’ll be nice to leave here and once we do we only have 2 months before we come home and I’m so excited. I know that it’s pretty far away but it’s going to be amazing to be home again. You definitely change a lot when you travel…especially for so long. I guess you change at home as well in 7 months but you realize a lot about yourself when you’re on your own. And I feel alone. I know that we’re meeting tons of people and it’s supposed to be amazing and for the most part it is, but it is lonely. Maybe I’m just having a down day but to not be able to get a giant hug from your family and friends whenever you need kind of sucks. Everyone be prepared for plenty of hugs when I get home.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ghost Town

So…I know if you read both blogs you will read this twice but we’ve finally gotten some jobs and are going to be heading there tomorrow to start work. We don’t know our exact start date but we know there’s a big event type thing on Saturday where we will meet everyone so we’re very excited for that.
I’m unbelievably excited to have our own room and be able to unpack our bags and have our own shower where we don’t have to carry our stuff to the bathroom in ziplock bags. I mean we had that at Cam’s for a month but it’s nice to have it again especially after being in hostels for the past couple of weeks. We had to buy a couple of things for our trip and I got some awesome tanks from target for cheap. I sometimes really wish that we had target at home.
Also, man it’s crazy to be able to say we’re going to be living in a hotel for 3 months and that it’s paid for. And that we’re being reimbursed for our flights to this job. That would never happen. And the beach is seriously five minutes to walk to from work/home. I’m hoping to have a pretty solid tan by the tan I get home. I just don’t want the skin cancer that might come with it. I don’t want that at all. I think being out here is the first time that I’ve really used sunblock so much. I put it on every day that we are going to spend time outside. There was one day in Melbourne when we walked to St. Kilda that I didn’t wear it because I didn’t think that it was that hot, I mean I was wearing jeans and I wasn’t sweaty but when we got home I had an awful burn. I don’t think I’ve been that red here yet.
I’ve sent a few letters home and I’m anxious for the people to get them. I love getting mail and sending mail so it was definitely something that was fun to do. We sent a couple things with presents by sea already so hopefully they are there when we get home. It’s such an awesome feeling to get mail especially when its letters rather than email.
Okay, I’m wrapping this up. I know it’s random but I lack inspiration. I will hopefully post once I get to our job to let you all know how it’s going.