Friday, December 11, 2009

I long for the day when I can take a cold shower again and not be forced to take a hot one because it’s so hot outside that the pipes can’t keep the water cold…or whatever it is that makes the pipes cold.

On the shower note…

I long for the day that I can open the curtain and look out at a nice bathroom…even if it is one in a hostel. As long as it’s not a cement room with an open concept (pipes and electrical lines everywhere) ceiling. Oh and did I mention the cockroaches…and the fact that not only do the crawl fast, they can also fly. Oh I love bugs.

I long for the day when I can cook a proper meal and not eat some disgusting casserole of all the uneaten leftovers from last nights dinner. (Sometimes, the foods alright, most of the time, I’d just really rather not eat)

I long for the day when I don’t have to consume 10 liters of water a day to keep myself from getting heat stroke.

I long for the day when it mattered that I didn’t have money because there was actually some place to spend it.

I long for the day when I can wear makeup again and not worry about it running off my face the second I walk out the door.

I long for the day when I can go to the beach again and not worry about the shark infested waters. Oh I don’t think I’ve mentioned the insane amount of sharks up here in lovely Dampier. They used to have a shark net up around the beach. They’ve recently taken it down, why you may ask? I have no bloody idea.

I long for the day when I’m not repulsed by all men. Last night at close in the bar Hannah went to do a round and pick up glasses and there was a man standing at the bar…where he stood all night creeping us out. Anyways, she glanced over and noticed a certain liquid running down his leg…and a massive puddle on the floor. Who gets so drunk that they can’t even manage their bladder. Seriously?
**Don’t worry, I’m not going to become a lesbian, I just need to see one or two decent men. Most of these guys have wives and girlfriends back home…and come here to cheat on them. Sick.

Oh did I mention that the bar we work at has what they call skimpies?? She comes in for a week and pretty much works behind the bar in next to nothing. As the night progresses she takes off more and more clothes…eventually wearing nothing but a fishnet top. She’s a nice girl and all but I pretty much want to vomit every time I see her nipples coming at me.

I long for the day when I don’t get random drugs shoved in my mouth. I still can’t believe that happened. First and hopefully the last time…I’m not really into the drug thing. I don’t even feel safe leaving a glass of water behind the bar.

The end of January and me being thousands of dollars richer can’t come fast enough. I’m not as shallow as this post makes me sound. I promise. I just have come to realize that I’m pretty girlie…and would like my old life back anytime now.

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