Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm really unsure if anyone reads this anymore. It's become sort of like my own personal journal where I write stuff down just so I remember it. I guess that's what a blog is anyhow. I think that I'm going to try and start doing it regularly again. Especially if Dariane has time to read it. That's why I was doing it while I was away. When i don't get to talk to her regularly on the phone I want her to know what's going on.

I purchased this the other day. I'm very excited to get it and frame it and find the perfect spot for it.

I have one decision to make at the moment. I mean there's other ones I should think about but I'm choosing not to. One little decision...and that is this. I went and looked at this house a couple weeks ago. There's a room, it's a fair size room and the rent is the same as what I am paying right now. The only thing is, everything else is extra. Food's extra, hydro's extra, tv, internet...everything is extra so my rent would probably wind up being about 350$ after I included everything else. This is still really cheap and definitely in my price range. If i was living with anyone else it wouldn't be a problem. I don't know how my aunt and uncle would feel and I would hate to ever put them in a bad position. So, i'm stuck, i don't have a clue what to do. the house was really nice. I essentially also have the entire basement except for one other room and I could do whatever I wanted with it. I told her girl if she hadn't found someone by the first of april I would probably take it. So, i guess if she does find someone it just wasn't meant to be.

I found out recently that I needed 6 more credit hours of humanities to graduate with my BA. I'm a little bit annoyed. Also, I just don't care anymore about school. I know this isn't the best attitude but I'm just tired of it right now.

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