Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday Rambles

Early Saturday morning Matt sent me a text saying that there was a bulldog pug cross that someone wanted to get rid of and I should look at it. We're toying with the idea of getting a second dog after we move. I looked at the dog...sent an email asking a couple questions. And all of the sudden I texted Matt and was like..I don't think I can love another dog as much as Bud. Is this going to be what I'm like once I have a kid??

Our second week of weight watchers. Successful I think. I believe we weight in on Tuesday so we'll see how successful but we're following it and it's becoming relatively easy to do it. We've been taking Bud to the dog park every night as well so that's good for us and good for him. He's sleeping all night and not coming up on my side over and over so I feel like I've gotten more sleep this past week then I have in a very very long time.

 I haven't had my ring for two weeks right now and it's driving me crazy. Funny...I only had it for a couple weeks but I already feel weird without it. I'm more than ready to start getting some concrete plans for the wedding together. We're just waiting on our travel agent to get back to us with some pricing. I promise this won't turn into a wedding blog entirely....maybe just one day a week kind of thing.

I realize this was a bit of a ramble but I'm making an effort so that's got to count for something.  I mean I even have "Blog" on my to do list for this weekend.  A to do list that's not really being crossed off or anything...woops.

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