Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am becoming more and more inclined to write on this blog because I know who (well mainly I guess) is reading it. And on this blog I don't feel like I have to put stuff up about the trip because even though I am across the world from the majority of you, on a day like today I just feel like I am in another city away from you. Today Hannah and I went to the mall shopped around a bit, didn't actually buy anythiing and then picked up some groceries and some cider and are back at home this afternoon taking it easy having a drink and planning our supper. So it's just like any other afternoon at home. Except I am in a beautiful apartment on the most lovely welcoming patio with a view of the mountain. That I don't have at home. Maybe I should become friends with people that do though. Just a thought.

Why don't I ever travel at home? Now that I have seen a good portion of the east coast..well only about half in 15 days I wonder why I don't do this at home. It's my resolution for when I get home. To see more of Canada and also of the US because that's where I live. And there would be gas to pay but you could stay in hostels and wouldn't have to pay 1400$ to get there. Because really 1400 is a lot to pay for 2 days in airports. I guess 4 days when you count going home.

I miss home a lot right now, which is common for me to say lately. I don't know how I can do the full 7 months. I just need to get settled somewhere very soon and start making some money. It's really really getting me down lately. The missing home...not lack of a job.

Today I finished Dariane's birthday present. I sent it to her already, even though it's half a month early. I just couldn't wait to share it with her. I hope she likes it, seeing as it's not something material but only something on the computer because really I don't exactly have the money or time to send her something over the sea by ship...or by plane. That'll come around christmas.

Life is good right now. Really good. I need a job though asap. It's nice to be staying somewhere for free though, and to not quite have to worry about it yet. Soon though we will be worrying about it and finding something as soon as possible. Maybe some fruit picking out here. Near Melbourne we might be able to find something, I just know that I need something soon. I think on Thursday or Friday next week I will get out of here and move on to try and find something. Maybe go to Perth a bit early than I anticipated if I can find something there because at least I have friends there I can see.


manda said...

you bet i'm reading your blog! haha.
mandy, you are in australia....keep reminding yourself of that! the time really will pass all too quickly and then you'll be back here and it will all be memories & photographs.
i think once you decide on a place to settle and find jobs you'll be enjoying yourself. as much as i hate having a job, when i don't have a job, i get really down too. i'm sure it's the same feeling weather in australia or winnipeg.
enjoy yourself! we, over here, all wish we were in your shoes right now!

manda said...

and by "weather" i actually meant, "whether"....guess that was my "opera", "oprah" moment....hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was in your shoes too! maybe the sooner you can get settled and get a job the better for you. Dariane's present was so cool. I wish I could see the sights you are seeing. love you lots, mom