Saturday, October 24, 2009

Random Random Thoughts

The time difference sucks. The time when I actually have time to be on the net it's like in the middle of the night/ early early morning for everyone at home. If I want to catch anyone on the net, I have to be on my computer around 11 or 12 and lately I have been able to by putting off everything that I need to get done.

We've been going to the gym lately and it's amazing how much better you feel when you work out. I should have taken a before and after photo. Only I'm not to down with the way I look before. So i'll just take an after photo. In about a year...

I still firmly stand by the fact that apples with peanut butter is the best snack in the world.

A couple days ago (Sunday evening) I had a trial at a steakhouse where I might potentially get a job. It went well but it was so boring. All I did was run food all night. I don't think that I want to work all. But I'll probably keep it until I find something because hey it's money right? I may go apply at a coffee shop in a bookstore today. Because I do love working at cafes. Just not at second cup on the corner of river and osborne...cause that's not really that fun at all. But one in a bookstore has some serious potential.

I have an addiction to guitar hero...ugh. I never thought i'd get hooked on the stupid game but we play it...a lot. It's good fun.

I'm really sick...really really really sick. And I have been for a little while. Yesterday I just about passed out in the grocery store. Apparently I'm good at hiding my sickness because until yesterday when I told Hannah how sick I was she had no idea. I've really screwed up my pills though so that might be why. I am waiting one week before I go to the doctor and tell him I am dying and need to be cured instantly.

I miss friends. I am less and less homesick now but I miss my friends and family like you wouldn't believe. Cameron and Hannah are pretty amazing but it's way cooler if you go out with a bunch of people rather than just one or two. I miss being able to call Amanda and have a little chat and a ton of laughs. I miss making dinner with Rachelle (even though sometimes it's awful peanut butter stirfry) *as a side note never buy all natural organic peanut's not good. I miss colin's excitment for doing anything and everything. That boy is up for anything all the time. I miss calling my mom and getting her recipes (even though I totally did that the other day on skype. I miss Dariane...everything about that kid I miss.

Even though Cameron has a ton of movies we have almost watched them all...well that's not true but the ones that we want to and we are slowly running out of stuff to watch on the tv. Maybe that means that we should get out more. We have plans for this week though...they include: climbing a mountain so we can have a view of the entire city, going to the parliment buildings, and maybe the national war memorial only I think we would need to figure out some transportation there because after our last 14 km walk in flip flops I don't think I ever want to do that again, I guess next time I could wear shoes but that would require socks and I really really hate wearing socks.

That is all for now. Maybe I'll post another one later...that'd be fantastic.

ps. Here is a photo of my hair sort of curly...I was going to complain about how light it is getting but this photo really makes it looks like I just dyed it. I apologize in advance for the fact that my shirt is see through. And i'm wearing a white tank top..and it's lower than my bra...tacky!!


manda said...

thanks for the apology. until then i was really offended by your see through shirt with white tank underneath that goes below your!!!
your hair looks great!
<3 manda

Anonymous said...