Tuesday, December 22, 2009

After reading that blog over I realized I probably have said that stuff about a million times already. I feel like this blog is just me saying the same thing over and over because I try to write our travel related stuff on that blog but I think that from now on I’ll put that idea off and just write down whatever I want even though it might be about travel because that’s what I’m doing right now so really that makes sense.

Also I just heard that Britney Murphy died which is kind of crazy. She was a good actress and really really funny. She died from a heart attack at only 32. Scary because you certainly don’t think

It’s rained the last 3 days here every afternoon. It’s so nice and makes everyone so happy. It’s too bad that it’s always so hot in the morning when we are working. It’d be nice if it rained and was nice and cool in the morning when we are housekeeping. It seems like the states are getting pounded with a bunch of snow, I wonder if home is as well.

Last night someone at work goes “Where do you live?” To which I responded “I’m not telling you where I live” Then he goes “Why not? Where is it, what room are you in?” And I said “No, it’s none of your business where I live and I’m not going to tell you.” And here’s the kicker, as I am walking away he said to me “How about sex, let’s go have sex.” I said Hell No, you’re disgusting and so incredibly rude and walked away and refused to serve him anymore. Who has nerve like that? I mean seriously what an asshole. He was one of the two guys that said to Lizzy (a girl we work with) that asked her what she thought of American men. She told him that they were some of the rudest, crudest most disgusting animals she’s ever encountered.

This morning at work we were cleaning rooms and because it’s close to Christmas we don’t have many people staying here. So with fewer people we think that there won’t be anything nasty in the rooms right? Well, we walk into a room today and it smells disgusting. We all comment on it, look in the bathroom and there’s a tiny bit of vomit on the floor. Kind of a big deal but nothing to get worked up about. Then, we walk into the bedroom and see puke down the wall to a nice pile of towels covering up what we think is a disgusting pile of puke. Hannah starts gagging, Lindsey starts gagging, I start gagging, Hannah starts tearing up…you get the idea. We go ask our supervisor what to do with it and she comes and cleans it up. Thankfully because I think any of us would have just added puke to the pile. It was so nasty. Luckily at least we get the satisfaction of knowing the people do get charged when they puke in their room and leave it for us to clean it up. I don’t understand why if we got up to make it to the side of the room where he puked why he couldn’t have just walked in the opposite direction to the bin but whatever. I don’t really understand the men around here either.

Well that’s a few of the things that I deal with at work. I was also told today by my boss to smile more with which I responded…”It’s going to be fake so why bother?” I can’t stand my boss. He’s the most negative person I have ever met in my life. I don’t get how someone could be that negative and still be alright…how can he ever experience any joy whatsoever in his life. It’s quite sad really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am coming to realize that most men are disgusting. They hurt women, disrespect women and use women. Why would it be any different in Australia?
Love to you.