Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas day has come and gone and it feels like it was never even here. The day was good and I’ll give you a little rundown of the events.

We both worked Christmas eve and the pub was insanely busy. I’ve never met so many people that want to get loaded Christmas eve. It’s a lot different at home. That’s one of my most favorite nights of the Christmas season because for the last couple of years it seems to be a tradition that we go over to my aunt and uncle’s and spend the evening with them and it’s always a really good time. I miss them a lot and especially around this time of year. It’s definitely not a night where you go get hammered at the bar. Anyways so once we got home Hannah and I were still pretty wide awake and decided that we would open our gifts that night because it was technically Christmas morning already. I got Hannah a robot tank top and a new wallet and I was so happy that she loved both of them. She got me a backpackers guide to Australia!!!! And a watch! I was so excited about both of them. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I guess when you spend every day with someone you’ll figure something out to buy that they really really want.

So fast forward through the night to 7:30 in the morning and we hear knocking on our door. Hannah opens it up and there’s the guys waking us up with drinks in their hands. They’d already been drinking since the night before…with a couple hours of sleep thrown in there somewhere. We sent them on our way and took a bit of time to wake up. Then we went to another girls room and hung out had some chocolates, shortbread and bubbly and were on our way to a good day. At 11 we went and opened presents with everyone and it felt like a giant family get together with all 20 to 30 year olds. Once we opened presents it was off to the pub where we essentially could help ourselves to anything. You can imagine how that went for the majority of the day. There was a lot of drinking and swimming and it was a lot of fun. At around 5 I came to bed because I needed to sober up a bit and I was pretty tired. Hannah came in at 6 to wake me up and I asked her to give me a bit more time to sleep and then at 6:30 she came in and I wouldn’t wake up at all. Then at some point Dolores came in to get my computer and I went upstairs and helped her get on skype so she could call her family. I sat with her for awhile waiting for them to get on and I started to get cold…shivering strange cold. I came back in here and laid down…I don’t really remember doing this and Hannah came in a little while later to wake me up and tell me she was going to the beach and then I realized I had a massive fever. I was so cold but so hot and the air con was on and it was just a mess. I hadn’t felt so sick in such a long time. I tried everything to get it down, a couple girls came to check on me several times, I talked to my family, I had a really bad panic attack and that’s about it. The next morning I woke up sick but no longer had a fever and since then I’ve just been sick. I think I have strep or possibly the flu. If it doesn’t go away by Wednesday I may stop at the hospital for a little visit.

So for the most part it was a good day. Definitely not a Christmas day but a fun day. I missed everyone at home an insane amount and wish I could have been there for a few days but next Christmas will be all the better for it. And also I am getting better slowly but surely. I think I just have the flu so with a few good days of rest I should be alright.


Anonymous said...

oh man...sounds like fun/not so fun in the end part.
i missed you over this season. i wish we could do something christmasy together. next year. i've decided that i want to rent a house and not live in an apartment. i really need a yard for pax. i've found some beautiful ones, some affordable for 2 people and some where we'd need a couple extra's to take the rent down. when that happens, i think of you and your sister.
i feel like i'm never going to have enough money to move out, but i'm trying to save now that christmas is over! lol.
i love and miss you. merry christmas, happy new year and your bday is coming up! yay! i should write you another letter soon.
hugs xoxo

Anonymous said...

For me Christmas is about family and Mandy you are a big part of my family. I missed you like crazy and your funny antics.
We got all this snow on our driveway over the holidays, too deep for me to shovel and I have been waiting for the contractor to come and clear the driveway. My next door neighbor cleared his with the snowblower but only did his half he left the snow on my driveway. Neighborly hey?
Wish you could have been here Mandy I love you and miss you alot.