Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do You Know Me?

My mind is filled with heavy thoughts. This trip has been good for helping me sort things out and it’s changed me in ways I never thought possible and for all this I am extremely thankful. I guess now that we’ve been here for a little while and we’ve had time to settle into a routine I’ve had time to stop and really think about things. One of the main things that I have learned is that I’m not the kind of person that can be away from my friends and family. They mean so much to me and I need them in my life and I need to see them regularly. Which at home I do and will definitely continue when I get back. I don’t want to get into all my thoughts on here yet because I haven’t even figured them out in my head. This may just be another rambly post, my apologies if you hate those.

Today I talked to Dariane, well I talk to her every few days. It’s funny because I talk to her way more now that I am across the world than I ever did at home. I guess it takes absence to make one realize how much the other person means. Anyways, we got to talking about our apartment when I get home. Unless she is off to RCMP training we are going to get a place together and I’m unbelievably excited to decorate it. I know it’s a bit ridiculous to be planning this already but I’m so excited. Sometime within the next couple of years I want to buy myself a really good bed. After being here and sleeping on crap beds the whole time I can’t wait until I get to sleep in my bed from home. I think beds are something that people should really indulge on because really people spend a lot of time in their beds so they should be good. We’re also going to need a TV and a table and chairs and it’s just going to be fun looking for the little things to make our place feel like home. I get to move just about a week after I get home so it’s going to be pretty busy for the first little while. Oh, and we get to paint I hope so it’s going to be real good and homey. I’m excited to be getting a place that I’ll probably be in for awhile, rather than just one year.

This summer is going to be good and it’s going to be busy. A friend wrote to me the other day talking about drinking by her pool on the hot summer days and I can’t wait. It’s going to be fun. There’s also a wedding that I’m in in August and I am very excited for this. There will be a few wedding things that I’ll have to do all summer and it’s going to be so much fun! I’m also going to be on a road trip/camping trip with some friends so that will be fun, and just being back at home. I’m excited to be back there with the people I love in the place I feel most comfortable. It’s definitely a good thing getting out of your comfort zone and you learn a ton about yourself but I’m not the kind of person who needs that I don’t think. I needed it once or I would have always wondered what it would be like, but 7 months away is really all I need. Now I just want my comfy slippers, a hot mug of tea, and curling up with a late night movie. Or a bottle of wine and my closest friends. All sound rather nice.

I also miss concerts. I will try to maybe go to one here but I don’t think it will wind up working out. And Winnipeg has some amazing shows in winter. Matt Good, Tegan and Sara, Michael Franti and John Mayer. All shows I would have gone too. I’m sure that there is a bunch more but these are the only ones that I have heard of my friends going to. I’m sure that there are a few more. Good thing there’s usually a couple good shows in the summer that I’ll be able to go to.

Work is good here. It’s hard work but the money’s fantastic and I’m already quite used to it. It’s good to be busy. I don’t think I’m going to fit in here. I mean I already know that I’m not going to fit in. These girls drink…a lot. And I’m definitely not the type who feels the need to go get loaded every night. Nor do I feel the need to go into a bar where the minute you walk in everyone turns and stares you up and down. I don’t need to feel like a piece of ass, so I’ll be avoiding that bar at all costs except for when I have to work. Those days I’ll deal with it because any extra tips I get would be fantastic. I want to come home with a bit of money and I think that I will if I can stick this job out for a couple months so that’s really my motivation. Stick it out, make a bunch of money so that when I get home I’m not in a huge amount of debt. And I think it will be successful.

That’s all my rambles for now. Katie just told me that it was suppose to be -50 tonight. And it’s just about 45 degrees here. That’s almost a 100 degree difference. I think that I would give anything to be in -50 just for a day…and then settle with a nice +25. I’m excited for snow when I get home.


a glass can only spill what it contains said...

well, now you know! eh?
i've spent a lot of time away from family and friends, but i thankfully had a lot of great friends where i lived. so i think that's a bit different. it would be difficult to go away somewhere you don't really know anyone and never really be in one place where you can make solid friendships.
either way. enjoy your experiences in australia and we'll be all too excited to see you in not too too long.
miss you XoXo
ps, yes, it's absurdly cold here...
*sigh*, typical.

Dariane said...

That is crazy Mandy. I do talk to you way more now then I have in the past year and half and your on the other side of the world! I can't wait till you get home! We are going to make our apartment home I can't wait. I love you so much and miss you like crazy :)