Monday, December 28, 2009


I’m pausing my talk of travelling and anything work related. I’ve been pretty sick for a few days and I’ve been in bed every time I’m not working. Which means lately because there’s no guys up here I’ve been in bed a lot. I would like to say it’s been nice but I hate being sick. And there’s only so much House I can take and I’ve watched everything else on my computer a million times. Plus every time I watch an episode all I can picture in my head is Katie saying “It could be neurological” every time anyone complains about something hurting, which cracks me up and makes me miss that girl.

Anyways I think I have decided that I am no longer making new years resolutions because I look back on them and I see that I have changed and that some things are different and that my life is no where I thought that it was going to be last year at this time. Instead of New Years Resolutions I think I’ll just make wishes…and hope that they all come true. Some of them will come true with my hard work and determination and some may not. Some might just happen. You never know.

I guess going on the theme of wishes maybe I should just have three. At this point I can only think of a couple off the top of my head but I know I will think of more. I guess that my time is also running out because it’s almost New Years Day and I should have them all down before that day comes around. I’ll see what I can do.
Wish #1
I know this is completely cliché and lame but I do want to lose some weight. I have lost weight since I got here and when I go home my sister and I are going to start running which is something I do enjoy doing when I’m doing it with someone who has the balls to scream at me to keep going when I want to stop. I know that this isn’t going to be until May when I am home and we’re settled but look out world. Along with this idea of a little more fitness in my life I would really like to do a bit more of the walks and runs for different causes. I think Dariane has done it in the past and would hopefully like to continue doing it in the summer with me because I would love to do a bit more of that. Anyone else like to join let me know. Although I’m not looking into any of it until I get home.
I also can’t wait to be able to cook again and will start cooking healthier when I get home. I think that having someone that I live with constantly holding me accountable will be really helpful.
Wish #2
I want to travel when I get home. I want to take a bit of time off work this summer and I want to go on a road trip and camp along the way. It doesn’t have to be expensive or anything and it doesn’t have to be long but after seeing a large portion of Australia in a fairly short time it makes me realize how little of my own country I have seen, and I would like to see more of it. I also want to go with my sister and some friends because I think it’d be a really fun time. I also want to go to Churchill and see the polar bears, and I want to take the train up there. Anyone game for an adventure?

Wish #3
I want to finish school and get a job. This is just an obvious one though. I only have about a year left so it shouldn’t take me that long. I don’t know if I can do it one year but I’m hopefully going to start when I get home, take some summer classes and then have a little less to do, but we’ll see because I always want to enjoy the summer and spend time with friends and family.

I kept it down to 3. I have a few more but I think I’ll just keep those private. My mom called me just because she missed me last night and it made me very happy. It was also nice just to talk about stuff other than work. The drama here is getting a bit much for me to handle. I am so lucky that all the girls at home aren’t this dramatic. Last night Lizzy left and Hannah and I were both a bit bummed out. She’s one of the girls who we became close to and liked a lot. It’s pretty awesome though that we’re able to meet so many girls here and make a few lifelong friends.

1 comment:

Dariane :) said...

I miss you so much my dear!
I can't wait to run with you when you come home. We will have a good workout plan for you. And unfortunately you will have to start with ten pound weights. I'm lifting 15's and will soon be going to get 20's. So you can at least do 10's lol. Just be mentally prepared haha.
I think wishes are better then resolutions too. Because resolutions never work out.
Soon you will be off traveling again so that will be nice. I can't wait to do traveling here with you! Really very excited actually.