Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i find a map and draw a straight line.

For the first time since I've been back home I feel content. I feel settled and happy with the way that things are going. I no longer miss what my life was like all winter, I'm happy with the way that my life is right now. When I think about everything that has gone on in the last couple of months it's a little intimidating.

I made a friend, reconnected with old friends, and lost a close friend. New friend = awesome. Reconnecting feels great as well. The fact that someone made the choice not to sort a small issue out but to rather put a guard up and declare our friendship over forever wasn't so cool. It stung at the beginning. I've seen her once since when she dropped something off and I don't know it felt right.

....3 hours later....

It's amazing how everything can change so fast in just a few hours.

First, I want to start a tumblr blog and I think I might make the switch. I'm hooked on a few of them at the moment and I really really like them. I'll let you know if this happens.

Second, as I was driving to work today I got a call saying my sister was in the hospital and that I would hear back when my mom knew what was going on. I bawled the entire rest of the way to work. She's going to be there for a little while. She's got a bunch of damage in her leg. Man I feel bad for her. I'd take that fall for her in a second. At least I don't have dreams of being in RCMP. I"m going to hang out with her tomorrow, nothing like a buddy to keep her entertained.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Pretty sick looking surf.
Whoever captured this photo however, is pretty awesome.
Sick that there is photo opportunities like this.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

working hard.

We're bored...and working. It's just about time to start cleaning but not quite. So we took some photos for good times.

This is the dream team really. I forgot to wear makeup today.
This is the machine we spend a lot of time hanging out with. It makes us delicious microfoam which I still get excited about.
This is the other view that we see a lot of. It's not near as exciting and doesn't make anything cool...except money.
This is the door to freedom. We cringe a little everytime the door squeakily opens. Unless it means someone is leaving.
And this is Taylor checking our powders, looking slightly crazy.

This is probably the most ridiculous blog post I have ever written.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a sockhop beneath my bed.

I seriously miss these times. Man, we had some awesome parties. Granted the party where jerry the can came along was not one of ours we still had a good time. I think we danced all freaken night at this party because Will was DJing...I think this is the night we excelled in the chicken herder. Also the night where Bart got lost at AJ's only to be found like 6 months later still filled with whatever awful combination we had made that night. This was the same year we had our pirate party for Strath's birthday and I bashed my head in. I'm pretty sure she still has the hospital wristband. Speaking of hospital, last night at work the guy that drove me to the hospital that night came in and reminded me of how much fun the four of us had while we waited...for 6 hours. He said I forever owed him free coffee. That's alright, I think I can handle that. We also had our formal party that year for ashley's birthday. We bought some sweet drinking glasses that night in our drunken "let's get more alcohol" run and hung out mainly on the kitchen floor if my memory serves me correctly. I miss that red kitchen. We had my unthemed birthday party. I think it was pretty uneventful besides the drama that my two best lady friends caused. We have this running thing apparently where there is always drama on my birthday. That was my 21st...and they both had some serious boy drama which I did an emaculate job of smoothing out. I dont' remember what happened on my 20th, I don't even remember what I did. On my 19th my boyfriend at the time and I had a massive fight and pretty sure we broke up. This year when I turned 22 I had no drama. Pretty sure that was just cause I wasn't in Canada.

I also really miss our cabin. It was tiny and there was too many of us but we had some pretty sweet times in that cabin. Like locking all the keys inside and having to rip the screen out and strath crawling in to let us in. I'm so excited to go up to the lake today. It's going to be so so good to see those girls, and spend more than a couple hours with them.

Everytime I hear Kings of Leon it's going to make me think of the bistro in Dampier...for the rest of my life. Although that place holds some pretty good memories. Australia Day I was scheduled to work in the bistro (which I was stoked for because that meant getting off early and joining everyone in the bar after). Anyways, so after spending the entire morning in housekeeping drinking we got all our aussie gear on and made our way to the bar where we continued on drinking. Then I had this brilliant idea to convince Terri to come work in the restaurant with me (she was way way way drunker than I was) because I didn't want to work with the girl that was scheduled. That was the most amusing shift ever. I don't remember much of it but I do remember her having a good 20 minute conversation with someone that wanted to order about garlic bread and whether or not he wanted to get some.

The last photo is a pretty good representation of everyone's state that day. It was a gong show but so much fun. Holy, can you tell I'm missing Oz today...even Dampier. Good times good times.

Alright I shall wrap up this walk down memory lane. I have to leave for the lake.


Friday, June 18, 2010

In Love.
With this song.

I'm working on it.
Every single day.
I'm doing all right, I would say.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

100 round the bends.

"and I’ve learned that it’s not the amount of time you’ve known someone that makes their presence in your life impactful. It’s the depths you go with them. It’s the number of time you look over when something really big is happening in your life and they’re right there."

taken off http://withoutmelissa.com/

Happy Birthday Hannah!

It's this girls birthday today.

I have way too much to say about her to even get started. I spent probably the most life changing, important, amazing months of my life with her. We only met about a year ago now but she's become the one person who probably knows the most about me besides my family.

She's one of the nicest most caring people I know. She's freaken hilarious. She's great. I could use all the most positive words to describe her and it still wouldn't be enough.

She's real. She's got this amazing contagious positive outlook on life. She has an infectious laugh. She's genuine and I'm so freaken lucky to be able to call her one of my best friends. Even though we've only known each other for such a short time we've been there for each other through a hell of a lot.

Anyways, she's a babe.

Happy Birthday Hannah!!! I wish you nothing but the best forever and ever. You deserve it.

and i love you.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My heart got a little bit rocked.
rocked in not such a good way.
I think that's the worst sentence I've ever written.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I wish that I posted more often. That I was already at 1000 posts. I don't know why but that seems pretty intense seeing as I started this in 2007 I should be way way closer than what I am now. I'm just getting close to 200 I think. If I sorted out more time to ramble about nothing than we'd be way closer.

Anyways, these shoes are badass. I want them.

This is messed up and I've been doing way too much reading up on it lately.

This photo's just awesome. Makes me miss Australia...not too sure why. Also cancelled my working holiday visa today. That chapter of my life closed, it's a weird feeling.

Here's just a super fantastic shot of me. Emo at it's finest.

right now I must work. we'll chat later.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

if we ever meet again.

Blow by blow
I didn't see it coming
Blow by blow
Sucker Punched

Rushes in
Here to stay
Rushes in
You are here to stay

What rushes into my heart and my skull
I can't control
Think about it
Feel it in my bones
What rushes into my heart and my skull
I can't control

I'm currently sitting here filling out a quick blog before I have to work watching Dariane work out and jealous of her killer body. I'll get on that. I think I need some smaller weights...it would make me actually want to do it. Unfortunately Dariane bought me what she thought I needed to start with...so until I go and buy some smaller ones I'm just stuck with these.

Went out to see Sam and Cass yesterday. Man, has Sam gotten big. It was awesome to see him. I love when kids are that age. Also saw Kevin...that was equally awesome. I miss that man on the days I don't see him. I'll fill you in on that in a future post.

I wish that I had some awesome new exciting things to share on this. I'm craving a change. I'm thinking it's from everything constantly changing for 7 months now that it's been over a month since we've been home I'm just craving a trip or something. One more month and I have some stuff planned so I'm looking forward to that.

Alright so I didn't post that when I said it would because I had to leave for work or I would have been late although I was late anyways because I can't parallel park and then I took a wrong turn and had to go downtown to get back into Osborne. Anyways, I suck at parking and although there are tons of pluses to having a vehicle it's also kind of shitty to sort out parking and everything all the time.

Umm..this was the most random blog of life. To go along with the random theme check this out. It made me laugh.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I have the most amazing people in my life. The most amazing. They blow my mind every day. How could I be so so lucky?

A day or two ago Terri sent me a little something from Jasper and they told her it would get here Friday. Well Canada Post just hand delivered the package and it couldn't have come on a better day. I had one of the worst days I've had in a long time yesterday (more on that to come) and this was just what I needed.

So after running the halls trying to find the Canada Post man I got my package ran into the kitchen, got a knife and opened it up. Terri's the best. I mean how many people would get me a random squeaky shark and know how excited I would be for that.

In point form I'll list off the most awesome package ever. (besides when my mom sent me that puff wheat cake while I was in Dampier) They're about equal.

1. A hilarious letter. One that's possibly getting framed and posted on my wall.

2. 2 packages of the most delicious amazing candy ever. Seriously Canada, get on the redskin band wagon asap.

3. Her sister sent us lanyards from the theme parks where we spent all our time on the gold coast. I'll never forget some of our reactions to the rides.

4. 4 awesome plastic shot glasses (please Terri come to Canada soon so we can make use of these)

5. A packet of water bombs. WOOOHHOOOO! There was this one random day in Australia when we were babysitting and it was bloody hot out and we decided to have a water bomb fight so we bought like 200 balloons and filled them all up and headed outside with the kids and just went to town. Then we brought out the tarps and made a slip and slide. It was so much fun.

6. More Paw Paw cream :) Mine's not close to finished yet but I might as well get as much as I can right? Such good stuff. I have enough to last me a year now.

7. A squeaky shark...well now that I look at it, I think it's more of a dolphin. Either way squeaky toys = awesome.

8. A little bit of Australia ( I mean southern comfort) My favorite. Mixed with lemonade.

9. A little fake snake and gecko. Shockingly I miss geckos...a lot. They're always so cute and awesome. Plus they ate the bugs.

10. And last but not least. Oreos. Because we always ate copious amounts of oreos together. Like entire packages. While playing wonderboy. Thank you Nigel for having that game.

So...in conclusion this couldn't have come at a more perfect time.
Terri you're the best.

It's been far far too long since I've blogged. A lot of really big things have happened. A lot of not so big things have happened too but one thing definitely happened that's caused me to feel like my stomach/heart's been ripped right out of my body.

Alright, first things first. I went and saw Xavier Rudd. This man never fails to blow my mind. His lyrics are amazing and the energy in the room is something I can't even describe. I don't think I stopped smiling/moving the entire time. He's great. There's just no way I can describe it. He's just great. I would see him a million more times if I was able to. Unfortunately I'm not able to (or fortunately for my bank account).

This is by far my favorite photo of the night.

I'll blog more later. Right now however I have to put together a post for someone AMAZING.