Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wedding Wednesday!

So, I guess seeing as I'm officially getting married now I can start doing real wedding posts right?  I don't actually know where to start when it comes to planning a wedding especially because we're having a destination wedding so there isn't a whole lot that I have to do.  One thing I do get to worry about is doing my hair.  Anyone who knows me in real life knows I'm a brush it and leave straight out of the shower kind of girl.  I don't use product in it, I don't blow dry it, I don't straighten it.   I work in a basement and see pretty much no one all day.  Why go to the hassle.  However, on my wedding day I'm going to want something pretty.  And not something I'm used to every day.

These are four that I've found via pinterest recently that I love. I think I'll wind up having to splurge and getting the hair stylist here to do my hair. Unless one of my bridesmaids practices on me for months before the wedding and can do something like this. Anyone up for that? My other dilemma. Obviously I dye my hair and really have no recollection of the original color. So! what do I do for that week!
Do I go with my usual winter dark color?
Do I go with this nice blonde color I was rockin' this summer?
Do I go with something really awesome that I've always wanted to try? Help!