Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hello Timebomb.

My blog might be sparse for the next little while. I don’t know about how much we’ll have internet connection and when I do have a chance to update you can bet that I will. Writing is like therapy for me and not being able to write on here has got me pretty full of things to say.

Melbourne was good but I’m glad to be able to have a day to do nothing and relax on the train. Constantly being on the go wears me out and by the time we were walking to the train station this morning I felt exhausted. I guess waking up at 6 AM didn’t help either. Last night Hannah and I both had the most insane headaches and were pretty much in bed by 8pm. It wasn’t a good feeling at all. I woke up this morning feeling loads better and Hannah just needed a coffee to get rid of her headache. Bad news bears.

I find that time is flying by here. It doesn’t feel like it’s almost December and it certainly doesn’t feel at all like Christmas time. We were invited somewhere for a massive Italian feast on Christmas so we might take advantage of that seeing as it’s the closest we will get to a family type of celebration. It’s hard to believe that we have less than 5 months left here. I’m happy time is flying by because I miss everyone from home so much but I have a feeling that when it’s time to leave it will be with very mixed emotions. I’ll be excited to get home but also sad to leave. Hannah and I have been talking about the flight home already and we have managed to work ourselves up about it quite a lot.

I talked to a friend of mine on the phone the other day and her reaction when she figured out it was me was “wow it’s really you” It was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. It’s weird to hear someone’s voice after 2 months kind of…especially when you just spend 3 months living with them and talking to them every day. Even though I’ve been talking to people back home with email and whatever it’s nice to be able to hear their voices. I get to hear Mom and Dariane’s voice all the time…so that’s definitely very helpful. Dariane has a plan where she can call me and that’s been the best thing ever. I absolutely love being able to talk to her regularly and don’t know what I would do without that. It’s a huge help.

I am really hoping that we are able to find jobs in Perth within a week. If I don’t start working soon I’m going to have to come home quite soon and start paying off my debt. Hopefully though with working at a bar, in a small farming or mining town we will be able to make some money and some friends. Then we’ll be able to buy a vehicle and be on our way. I think Cam might join us on our road trip which would be awesome to have another person hanging out with us. Plus he might be able to set up a tent better than us…seeing as I call tent poles, rainbows.

We are doing 3 major cities in 24 hours right now and I think I might die by the end of it. We woke up at 6 AM to board a train to Sydney from Melbourne and tomorrow morning we will wake up at 3:00 to take a cab to the airport in Sydney where we will board a flight to Perth at 6AM. So really it’s more like 26 hours but it’s going to be a tad bit brutal…especially waking up at 3 in the morning. We thought about not even going to sleep but that doesn’t seem like the best idea, because then by the time we get to Perth we will be exhausted and we will have messed up our entire sleep schedule.

I’ll try and write more sometime soon…I know this post was kind of pointless but I’m pretty exhausted and just finished updating our travel blog so am kind of sick of typing.


Anonymous said...

haha oh the tent "rainbows". at that moment, i knew we were screwed for the entire folkfest weekend. lol but it was good times.

manda said...

i see you've been listening to matt good. it's a shame you weren't here to enjoy him live with me!!!

love and miss you lots

Mandy said...

You've got me addicted to Matt Good. I listen to him ALL THE TIME!