Monday, November 2, 2009

Smooth Criminal.

i always...
... wake up too early, every day, like 6:30 am.
... laugh, but not quite as much as my mom. She laughs ALL THE TIME.
... want ice cream, especially chocolate chip cookie dough.
... feel loved.

i sometimes...
... randomly burst into song. also randomly break out into a stellar dance.
... miss the snow. Although this is happening more and more frequently.
... pretend like I am at home and desperately need fall sweaters and scarves.
... forget that I am in Australia. Then I hear someone speak.

i never...
... drink beer. Sometimes I try but it's always a huge fail.
... take time to think before I speak. Sometimes this is not a good thing.
... eat vegemite. I have tried and hate it and won't try to acquire a taste for it.
... thought that I would be as bummed out as I am about the broken treadmill.

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