I could sit here and make up about 80,000 different New Years Resolutions. Things I want to accomplish in 2009, things I want to change, but I"m not sure that I will actually do that.
I would like to start taking things less seriously and have more fun. I mean I know now that I don't take everything seriously, some things maybe I should and I don't and some things that I do maybe I shouldn't. I guess I would like to find a balance.
I also don't want to stay working at a job that I hate. I have never been one to do this. Usually once I start not liking a job I will quit it but for some reason I just don't want to to quit at Second Cup. I've been there for just about a year now and it's comfy and I know everyone that works there and I absolutely HATE starting a new job. We'll see what happens. I plan on moving in May so maybe a few more months won't hurt anyone.
I want to do Yoga more. I love doing it so much but I just make excuses all the time on things that I could be doing that would be better. And I"m going to do Dariane's weight routine at least 4 times a week even if it kills me.
I want to keep in touch with people that are far away. I want to go on a trip. I was looking at something today called step out experience. It's in Costa Rica and it's just over a 1000 for 2 weeks but you get to do so many things..hiking, rappelling, zip line, volunteer and save some little turtles. I'm really considering looking into doing this, I think it would be amazing. Although it is rather short so I would have to save up some cash pretty fast.
I want to look at things the way I did when I was a kid. I mean I'm still a kid at heart really but there's adult things to do like bills, and figuring life goals out, etc. Speaking of which, I want to not worry about that anymore. I don't need to figure out what I'm doing with my life right now. I have so many years left to live and the last thing I want to do is try and figure out what "career" I want.
I want to break up routine. I hate having it and I do and it drives me crazy. I think that plays a strong part in why I am taking all distance ed classes. I can do my school work on my bed, or go to Starbucks, or go to a park when it warms up. Anything is better than sitting in a class room.
Well I guess I did what I wasn't going to and start listing all the things I want to change in the New Year.
In other News...Cassie and Evan had their baby!!!!! A little baby boy. Samuel Leslie!
I am so excited and they're going to make the most amazing wonderful parents. That little boy really lucked out with them! They had him on Christmas day in the evening I believed. I am so happy so so happy for them. And I really can't wait to meet him. And let him know that I will be the most stellar auntie sending him gifts all the time, even if I can't personally deliver them to him.
Christmas was good, super busy. It was nice to spend time with family but I am glad to be back in the comfort of my own apartment.
I think that when things even get a tiny bit stressful in my life I subconsciously start doing things that are good to myself. Lately things have been in a bit of an upheaval so I went to get my eyebrows waxed and then I went and got my hair cut (nice change I might add). I don't know why i do this, although I did need both things done. That and when I go get my eyebrows done, I go to my cousin and I really like seeing her so it's always nice to make up any sort of excuse to go and hang out for a while.
Okay, I need to shower and go buy groceries cause we have absolutely nothing to eat in this house right now. I went the other day but was totally distracted so I didn't buy a lot. I think that Katie needs to be with me because she always guides me and makes sure I get food that we will actually eat, not food that I say we will but never actually will.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Now that we're grown, we have to fly back home
I dont' really have to fly back home...but I'm packed..everything except for the little kitty cat. And we are off for a few days at home!! I will be back in the city on Sunday! I'm so excited to see Dariane and Mom. And unbelievably nervous to see my dad who i will see on Christmas day because we are going to the families get together. I know that there is going to be a big fight and I'm scared and nervous and can't bear to think about hurting some one's feelings on Christmas day, but whatever, it's just another day. Woah..run on sentence.
Okay...and i just realized I never mention my brother. I am excited to see him too, cause i never get to see him!
Now off to work for a few hours and I probably won't update this while I am away but as soon as I am back you better be prepared for some intense Mennonite family gathering photos. They'll be coming at you. HUGE FAMILY THINGS...I'm talking 20-40 people...but i certainly do love them all.
I hope that everyone has an amazing Christmas and that you are able to be with friends and family and make some amazing memories and I hope that everyone is well and happy...
Take Care my friends!
Okay...and i just realized I never mention my brother. I am excited to see him too, cause i never get to see him!
Now off to work for a few hours and I probably won't update this while I am away but as soon as I am back you better be prepared for some intense Mennonite family gathering photos. They'll be coming at you. HUGE FAMILY THINGS...I'm talking 20-40 people...but i certainly do love them all.
I hope that everyone has an amazing Christmas and that you are able to be with friends and family and make some amazing memories and I hope that everyone is well and happy...
Take Care my friends!
Monday, December 22, 2008
did you forget?
So...a few days ago was Lochie's Birthday. And now I need to stop drinking. 2 days before that we had a wine night for fun, and because we had some wine to get rid of. My liver hurts...literally aches inside of me. Needs a break. Will put up pictures as soon as I get onto a faster internet connection. Or one that doesn't screw up my facebook when I try and upload them. back to Lochie's birthday...it was so much fun! Got way too drunk, had a good adventure and made plans for a nice girly night now that Lochlin has a lady who's pretty much sweet and we can increase the number of girls in the group.
I have been alone for the last couple of days and spent my first evening with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon (a winning team I tell ya)...ugh. I watched Ocean's 11,12, and 13 all in one night. And shockingly...Katie will be impressed with this as will anyone else who I have ever watched a movie with, stayed awake for 2 out of 3 of them. I fell asleep through Ocean's 12..which is fine because it's terrible anyways. Tonight I am thinking I will watch The Dark Knight again. Because I absolutely love that movie..and haven't watched it enough since I bought it.
I really need to pack to go home, but I can't seem to get motivated even though I am going home tomorrow and dariane is getting me immediately after work and I won't have any time and I could continue with how much that whole situation sucks. I need to get cat litter on the way home from work to take that precious little mongrel home with me. I also need to remember my phone charger..and all the gifts...and to buy Dariane something more even though I have no clue what else I can possibly get her! AH!!!
Okay, this is just another means of procrastination.
I got my stuff for my courses this next term. I am scared. terrified. there is a lot of work to do. Hopefully I can keep up.
now i need to pack.
I have been alone for the last couple of days and spent my first evening with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon (a winning team I tell ya)...ugh. I watched Ocean's 11,12, and 13 all in one night. And shockingly...Katie will be impressed with this as will anyone else who I have ever watched a movie with, stayed awake for 2 out of 3 of them. I fell asleep through Ocean's 12..which is fine because it's terrible anyways. Tonight I am thinking I will watch The Dark Knight again. Because I absolutely love that movie..and haven't watched it enough since I bought it.
I really need to pack to go home, but I can't seem to get motivated even though I am going home tomorrow and dariane is getting me immediately after work and I won't have any time and I could continue with how much that whole situation sucks. I need to get cat litter on the way home from work to take that precious little mongrel home with me. I also need to remember my phone charger..and all the gifts...and to buy Dariane something more even though I have no clue what else I can possibly get her! AH!!!
Okay, this is just another means of procrastination.
I got my stuff for my courses this next term. I am scared. terrified. there is a lot of work to do. Hopefully I can keep up.
now i need to pack.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
drink up drink up, go on and empty your cup
I went to Souris last weekend. It was awesome to see Cassie and Evan, and they're place and the adorable baby room...although Katie got slightly freaked out thinking that a baby was actually going to be living there in a very short while.

These are my beautiful hosts. Who did a fantastic job and it was really nice to hang out and just chill. Cassie and I made a gingerbread house the first night I was there. I think I ate way more icing than I should have but it was so delicious. We still managed to assemble the most beautiful gingerbread house I have ever seen.

Ya you are jealous aren't you, It was immaculate.
The next day we did true small town things...it was amazing. Like driving to the grocery store to get our delicious baking supplies cause that's what we were going to do all afternoon because we had a little potluck to attend later on. ( I am not sure why I classify this as small town because I do that all the time and I live in the city. After we got a few groceries we headed to the swinging bridge. We made it half way across before we were pretty much freezing cold because the wind was cutting us like a thousand..i dont' know something painful.

That's what i was imagining it looking like...unfortunately imagine no beautiful leaves, lots and lots of snow and no water...just ice...hard cold ice.
Once we got back to the warmth of Cassie and Evan's place, I met Evans pa...who then took us all to chicken chef which is perfect when it's in a small town. Absolutely perfect. Best gravy ever..mmm.
Then we got home and got to our baking. We made cupcakes, peanut butter marshmallow chocolate squares, and chocolate covered cherries. We were pretty much a hit, people gobbled them right up. ( i can't believe I just used the word gobble, Katie would beat me with a stick for that)

So...all in all it was a really good weekend. I had a really good time and it was so very nice to se e Cassie and they were awesome to stay with.
They dropped me off Sunday at Dariane's. It was so awesome to see her and we went shopping and then we went for dinner. It was good, although when Dariane and I get together some people can take our sarcasm way differently then what we mean and I think the waitress may have done that a little bit. I had a steak, which I never get at restaurants because I just am not a huge fan of steak but I also know that restaurants make amazing steaks sometimes and this was very good...minus the artery in it...really grossed me out. didn't eat much after that.
Okay, now with my spare time, I will be around more.

These are my beautiful hosts. Who did a fantastic job and it was really nice to hang out and just chill. Cassie and I made a gingerbread house the first night I was there. I think I ate way more icing than I should have but it was so delicious. We still managed to assemble the most beautiful gingerbread house I have ever seen.

Ya you are jealous aren't you, It was immaculate.
The next day we did true small town things...it was amazing. Like driving to the grocery store to get our delicious baking supplies cause that's what we were going to do all afternoon because we had a little potluck to attend later on. ( I am not sure why I classify this as small town because I do that all the time and I live in the city. After we got a few groceries we headed to the swinging bridge. We made it half way across before we were pretty much freezing cold because the wind was cutting us like a thousand..i dont' know something painful.

That's what i was imagining it looking like...unfortunately imagine no beautiful leaves, lots and lots of snow and no water...just ice...hard cold ice.
Once we got back to the warmth of Cassie and Evan's place, I met Evans pa...who then took us all to chicken chef which is perfect when it's in a small town. Absolutely perfect. Best gravy ever..mmm.
Then we got home and got to our baking. We made cupcakes, peanut butter marshmallow chocolate squares, and chocolate covered cherries. We were pretty much a hit, people gobbled them right up. ( i can't believe I just used the word gobble, Katie would beat me with a stick for that)

So...all in all it was a really good weekend. I had a really good time and it was so very nice to se e Cassie and they were awesome to stay with.
They dropped me off Sunday at Dariane's. It was so awesome to see her and we went shopping and then we went for dinner. It was good, although when Dariane and I get together some people can take our sarcasm way differently then what we mean and I think the waitress may have done that a little bit. I had a steak, which I never get at restaurants because I just am not a huge fan of steak but I also know that restaurants make amazing steaks sometimes and this was very good...minus the artery in it...really grossed me out. didn't eat much after that.
Okay, now with my spare time, I will be around more.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Let me know, do I still have time to grow?
Finally, a spare minute to update. So excited that school is over and I will have nothing but spare time to update. :) Well I guess there's work, and the fact that I am still taking two classes. And not that i'm not in school, I have so much to catch up on...old friends, old hobbies. Reading books, writing things down, sleeping, etc.
It's the best feeling in the world.
Things in my life...wow, they've been up down around a little crazy lately. i won't get into the main crazy up down and around thing though. That's a private situation, not to be posted on the internet.
My cousin Robin and I have been hanging out here and there. I love her to death and this is the first time I have really hung out with a cousin. She's amazing, funny, beautiful...easy to talk to, easy to hang out with and it's not awkward, even though i haven't seen her in such a long time! And I got the most beautiful ring from her today.
I get to go and see Cassie tomorrow. Souris for the weekend. I am so excited! I got that baby some sweet gifts and I got her some pretty awesome soap that my cousin made. I was going to buy her an American Apparel hoody but they are like 50$ which I mean I can afford but it's a lot of money. I think I may go get her one tomorrow. Possibly a nice bright yellow one. I think she would love it. And the mommy deserves something too. The baby cant get all the gifts. And then we are going to a potluck. I promise to take lots of pictures from my weekend so that I can show everyone them when I get home via this blog.
Okay update complete. i will post more on this when i get home from the weekend
It's the best feeling in the world.
Things in my life...wow, they've been up down around a little crazy lately. i won't get into the main crazy up down and around thing though. That's a private situation, not to be posted on the internet.
My cousin Robin and I have been hanging out here and there. I love her to death and this is the first time I have really hung out with a cousin. She's amazing, funny, beautiful...easy to talk to, easy to hang out with and it's not awkward, even though i haven't seen her in such a long time! And I got the most beautiful ring from her today.
I get to go and see Cassie tomorrow. Souris for the weekend. I am so excited! I got that baby some sweet gifts and I got her some pretty awesome soap that my cousin made. I was going to buy her an American Apparel hoody but they are like 50$ which I mean I can afford but it's a lot of money. I think I may go get her one tomorrow. Possibly a nice bright yellow one. I think she would love it. And the mommy deserves something too. The baby cant get all the gifts. And then we are going to a potluck. I promise to take lots of pictures from my weekend so that I can show everyone them when I get home via this blog.
Okay update complete. i will post more on this when i get home from the weekend
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
bits and pieces
Things have been good and i just haven't had the desire to sit down and write on this blog. I have been good, things around me = not so good. But we won't dwell on that.
I am done classes now, which is awesome except I could not focus for the life of me on my last two exams. One i think I did pretty good on and the other not so much. The night before I went for dinner with Steph and then she hung out for awhile and it was really great to see her. It's nice to catch up when you don't see or talk to somebody regularly.

Katie and I have talked about moving out. It's hard living with 2 guys. Harder than I thought it would be. I guess one being an ex also sucks. It's just seemingly impossible to find a place. Let me tell you, although we have a lead on one on stradbrook that would be sweet, it's a 2 bedroom so Katie and I would not have to share a room :) As much as I love her, having our own space would be so so awesome.
My birthday is a month from now, and I'm getting pretty excited for it. I sort of figured out what I'm going to do but that might cost a bit too much money so we will have to figure something out because I'm not exactly made out of money. Shocking, i know. Especially if we move out, I think that our rent would be jumping considerably and that would really suck..but maybe a price that must be paid. I don't know why but whatev. At least then we would have a good solid internet connection...and we could get TV and it could be in our living room....awesome
Katie got me an awesome owl bag for my birthday. I love owls :) and was super super stoked about it. and she got me the Kina Grannis CD's which I also love love so much. Listening to them right now actually.
We are going to Souris in a week and a half and i'm so excited to see Cassie! It's going to be so much fun. She's due 10 days after that, and Katie and I got her some pretty awesome presents. Well I think we should find more but until then, the ones that we got her are pretty sweet. That baby is going to be decked out in the coolest stuff.
I am done classes now, which is awesome except I could not focus for the life of me on my last two exams. One i think I did pretty good on and the other not so much. The night before I went for dinner with Steph and then she hung out for awhile and it was really great to see her. It's nice to catch up when you don't see or talk to somebody regularly.
Katie and I have talked about moving out. It's hard living with 2 guys. Harder than I thought it would be. I guess one being an ex also sucks. It's just seemingly impossible to find a place. Let me tell you, although we have a lead on one on stradbrook that would be sweet, it's a 2 bedroom so Katie and I would not have to share a room :) As much as I love her, having our own space would be so so awesome.
My birthday is a month from now, and I'm getting pretty excited for it. I sort of figured out what I'm going to do but that might cost a bit too much money so we will have to figure something out because I'm not exactly made out of money. Shocking, i know. Especially if we move out, I think that our rent would be jumping considerably and that would really suck..but maybe a price that must be paid. I don't know why but whatev. At least then we would have a good solid internet connection...and we could get TV and it could be in our living room....awesome
Katie got me an awesome owl bag for my birthday. I love owls :) and was super super stoked about it. and she got me the Kina Grannis CD's which I also love love so much. Listening to them right now actually.
We are going to Souris in a week and a half and i'm so excited to see Cassie! It's going to be so much fun. She's due 10 days after that, and Katie and I got her some pretty awesome presents. Well I think we should find more but until then, the ones that we got her are pretty sweet. That baby is going to be decked out in the coolest stuff.
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