Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years

I could sit here and make up about 80,000 different New Years Resolutions. Things I want to accomplish in 2009, things I want to change, but I"m not sure that I will actually do that.

I would like to start taking things less seriously and have more fun. I mean I know now that I don't take everything seriously, some things maybe I should and I don't and some things that I do maybe I shouldn't. I guess I would like to find a balance.
I also don't want to stay working at a job that I hate. I have never been one to do this. Usually once I start not liking a job I will quit it but for some reason I just don't want to to quit at Second Cup. I've been there for just about a year now and it's comfy and I know everyone that works there and I absolutely HATE starting a new job. We'll see what happens. I plan on moving in May so maybe a few more months won't hurt anyone.

I want to do Yoga more. I love doing it so much but I just make excuses all the time on things that I could be doing that would be better. And I"m going to do Dariane's weight routine at least 4 times a week even if it kills me.

I want to keep in touch with people that are far away. I want to go on a trip. I was looking at something today called step out experience. It's in Costa Rica and it's just over a 1000 for 2 weeks but you get to do so many things..hiking, rappelling, zip line, volunteer and save some little turtles. I'm really considering looking into doing this, I think it would be amazing. Although it is rather short so I would have to save up some cash pretty fast.

I want to look at things the way I did when I was a kid. I mean I'm still a kid at heart really but there's adult things to do like bills, and figuring life goals out, etc. Speaking of which, I want to not worry about that anymore. I don't need to figure out what I'm doing with my life right now. I have so many years left to live and the last thing I want to do is try and figure out what "career" I want.
I want to break up routine. I hate having it and I do and it drives me crazy. I think that plays a strong part in why I am taking all distance ed classes. I can do my school work on my bed, or go to Starbucks, or go to a park when it warms up. Anything is better than sitting in a class room.

Well I guess I did what I wasn't going to and start listing all the things I want to change in the New Year.

In other News...Cassie and Evan had their baby!!!!! A little baby boy. Samuel Leslie!
I am so excited and they're going to make the most amazing wonderful parents. That little boy really lucked out with them! They had him on Christmas day in the evening I believed. I am so happy so so happy for them. And I really can't wait to meet him. And let him know that I will be the most stellar auntie sending him gifts all the time, even if I can't personally deliver them to him.

Christmas was good, super busy. It was nice to spend time with family but I am glad to be back in the comfort of my own apartment.

I think that when things even get a tiny bit stressful in my life I subconsciously start doing things that are good to myself. Lately things have been in a bit of an upheaval so I went to get my eyebrows waxed and then I went and got my hair cut (nice change I might add). I don't know why i do this, although I did need both things done. That and when I go get my eyebrows done, I go to my cousin and I really like seeing her so it's always nice to make up any sort of excuse to go and hang out for a while.

Okay, I need to shower and go buy groceries cause we have absolutely nothing to eat in this house right now. I went the other day but was totally distracted so I didn't buy a lot. I think that Katie needs to be with me because she always guides me and makes sure I get food that we will actually eat, not food that I say we will but never actually will.

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