Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Now that we're grown, we have to fly back home

I dont' really have to fly back home...but I'm packed..everything except for the little kitty cat. And we are off for a few days at home!! I will be back in the city on Sunday! I'm so excited to see Dariane and Mom. And unbelievably nervous to see my dad who i will see on Christmas day because we are going to the families get together. I know that there is going to be a big fight and I'm scared and nervous and can't bear to think about hurting some one's feelings on Christmas day, but whatever, it's just another day. Woah..run on sentence.
Okay...and i just realized I never mention my brother. I am excited to see him too, cause i never get to see him!
Now off to work for a few hours and I probably won't update this while I am away but as soon as I am back you better be prepared for some intense Mennonite family gathering photos. They'll be coming at you. HUGE FAMILY THINGS...I'm talking 20-40 people...but i certainly do love them all.
I hope that everyone has an amazing Christmas and that you are able to be with friends and family and make some amazing memories and I hope that everyone is well and happy...
Take Care my friends!


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