Monday, December 22, 2008

did you forget?

So...a few days ago was Lochie's Birthday. And now I need to stop drinking. 2 days before that we had a wine night for fun, and because we had some wine to get rid of. My liver hurts...literally aches inside of me. Needs a break. Will put up pictures as soon as I get onto a faster internet connection. Or one that doesn't screw up my facebook when I try and upload them. back to Lochie's was so much fun! Got way too drunk, had a good adventure and made plans for a nice girly night now that Lochlin has a lady who's pretty much sweet and we can increase the number of girls in the group.

I have been alone for the last couple of days and spent my first evening with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon (a winning team I tell ya)...ugh. I watched Ocean's 11,12, and 13 all in one night. And shockingly...Katie will be impressed with this as will anyone else who I have ever watched a movie with, stayed awake for 2 out of 3 of them. I fell asleep through Ocean's 12..which is fine because it's terrible anyways. Tonight I am thinking I will watch The Dark Knight again. Because I absolutely love that movie..and haven't watched it enough since I bought it.

I really need to pack to go home, but I can't seem to get motivated even though I am going home tomorrow and dariane is getting me immediately after work and I won't have any time and I could continue with how much that whole situation sucks. I need to get cat litter on the way home from work to take that precious little mongrel home with me. I also need to remember my phone charger..and all the gifts...and to buy Dariane something more even though I have no clue what else I can possibly get her! AH!!!

Okay, this is just another means of procrastination.
I got my stuff for my courses this next term. I am scared. terrified. there is a lot of work to do. Hopefully I can keep up.
now i need to pack.

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