Thursday, December 4, 2008

bits and pieces

Things have been good and i just haven't had the desire to sit down and write on this blog. I have been good, things around me = not so good. But we won't dwell on that.

I am done classes now, which is awesome except I could not focus for the life of me on my last two exams. One i think I did pretty good on and the other not so much. The night before I went for dinner with Steph and then she hung out for awhile and it was really great to see her. It's nice to catch up when you don't see or talk to somebody regularly.

Katie and I have talked about moving out. It's hard living with 2 guys. Harder than I thought it would be. I guess one being an ex also sucks. It's just seemingly impossible to find a place. Let me tell you, although we have a lead on one on stradbrook that would be sweet, it's a 2 bedroom so Katie and I would not have to share a room :) As much as I love her, having our own space would be so so awesome.

My birthday is a month from now, and I'm getting pretty excited for it. I sort of figured out what I'm going to do but that might cost a bit too much money so we will have to figure something out because I'm not exactly made out of money. Shocking, i know. Especially if we move out, I think that our rent would be jumping considerably and that would really suck..but maybe a price that must be paid. I don't know why but whatev. At least then we would have a good solid internet connection...and we could get TV and it could be in our living room....awesome

Katie got me an awesome owl bag for my birthday. I love owls :) and was super super stoked about it. and she got me the Kina Grannis CD's which I also love love so much. Listening to them right now actually.

We are going to Souris in a week and a half and i'm so excited to see Cassie! It's going to be so much fun. She's due 10 days after that, and Katie and I got her some pretty awesome presents. Well I think we should find more but until then, the ones that we got her are pretty sweet. That baby is going to be decked out in the coolest stuff.

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