Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let me know, do I still have time to grow?

Finally, a spare minute to update. So excited that school is over and I will have nothing but spare time to update. :) Well I guess there's work, and the fact that I am still taking two classes. And not that i'm not in school, I have so much to catch up on...old friends, old hobbies. Reading books, writing things down, sleeping, etc.
It's the best feeling in the world.
Things in my, they've been up down around a little crazy lately. i won't get into the main crazy up down and around thing though. That's a private situation, not to be posted on the internet.
My cousin Robin and I have been hanging out here and there. I love her to death and this is the first time I have really hung out with a cousin. She's amazing, funny, beautiful...easy to talk to, easy to hang out with and it's not awkward, even though i haven't seen her in such a long time! And I got the most beautiful ring from her today.
I get to go and see Cassie tomorrow. Souris for the weekend. I am so excited! I got that baby some sweet gifts and I got her some pretty awesome soap that my cousin made. I was going to buy her an American Apparel hoody but they are like 50$ which I mean I can afford but it's a lot of money. I think I may go get her one tomorrow. Possibly a nice bright yellow one. I think she would love it. And the mommy deserves something too. The baby cant get all the gifts. And then we are going to a potluck. I promise to take lots of pictures from my weekend so that I can show everyone them when I get home via this blog.
Okay update complete. i will post more on this when i get home from the weekend

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