Friday, February 27, 2009

Beach, Long Islands, and sun sun sun

There are a lot of birthdays in February...a good portion of people I know are born in this lovely romantic month. Which means they were conceived in June. Start of summer and people get frisky? (favorite word ever!) Either way, two of my near and dear friends had their birthdays this month, a mere two days apart. It was excited but it's also meant a lot of parties and a lot of money spend. We had a pirate party which I've posted about and we had a lovely formal night for Ashley's birthday.

Having these parties means I have to clean up, and get things organized and make sure that people are entertained. The pirate party I wasn't too good at making sure everything was running smoothly. In fact, I wasn't very good at making sure anything was even happening. I was just there, enjoying myself, until I had to go to the hospital with blood gushing from my head. From then on, I had no idea whatsoever what was going on at home because I was quite far from that place.

So we had a good time, ate some delicious chicken fajitas, splendid ice cream cake and then drank the night away...well everyone else did. I stayed pretty sober...well I sobered up when 10:00 came around.

This was the three of us on our safeway run to get some mix. We found the most amazing drinking glasses. Oh they brought entertainment throughout the night. Although they really weren't that functional.

The day after was definitely a lazy day. A day where we did absolutely nothing but laid on the couch. Well no I mean that's a lie..I got called at 8:30 in the morning because the person that was supposed to open didn't show up and so that meant second cup wasn't open and Teddy called the only person that would answer their phone..ME!!
So I went to Second Cup for three hours and sat paid to sit around. It was lovely, even though inside I was pretty much fuming. But that's not blog writeable unfortunately. I think people get fired for things that they write on their blog.

We got the cabin for the summer...and I got my job back! Which means I will be going to Clear Lake for the summer and i am so so excited for this! It means one more amazing summer...where I will make an amazing amount of money and get to lay around on the beach and get a good tan. and hike and swim and bike and run and play and do absolutely nothing but hang out. If you could see me do a happy dance I would do it for you.
Okay homework as per usual is calling me...even though I am lying and I probably won't do it. In the words of Katie Strath...Peace Out!


I had this moment the other day when I was talking to my sister and something really hit me. But let me rewind to the beginning first.
My sister and I have always been incredibly close. For the majority of my life, or the part of life that I've been old enough to remember it's always just been my mom, my sister and I. And we've all been really tight. I remember when I was little getting up at 6:30 in the morning because it was my responsibility to get Dariane and I to school on time every morning and make our lunches and all that stuff. It was also my responsibility to get us home after school. I remember one day we thought it would be a good idea to stay up on the highway and throw rocks at cars. That was until this guy pulled over and came to our house. That wasn't one of my best moments as the responsible one.

Time went on and we grew up and there's never been a time in our lives where we haven't been close. There have been times where we haven't talked for awhile especially since we no longer live together but then when we do it's just like no time has passed. I'm so lucky that we were born close together (thanks mom!!) and that we've always had each other. No matter what shitty thing is happening or what really good thing is happening Dariane is always there for me and it's the best feeling in the world.

Now this brings me to the point of this, the thing that hit me the other day when we were talking. This last couple of years have been really big in our lives. A lot of things have happened that really could have screwed one of us up. There have been a lot of changes, a lot of ruined relationships, and a lot of just generally negative things in both of our lives. For a while I thought I had lost Dariane. There were things about her that just weren't the same and I didn't know how to talk to her about it. This was not the best time for me and probably not for either. I retracted, I was scared to talk to her, because I've always been able to fix things for her and I know that she's been able to fix them for me and I wasn't sure that I would be able to fix whatever was going on with her. And I really wish that I could take credit for making things back to normal but I can't at all. She did it all on her own and I don't know how but I'm proud of her for doing it.

This last year there have been changes in Dariane that I couldn't have ever imagined. She still is just as stubborn and brutally honest (we have a few too many similar personality traits I think) but she's this really great woman now. She's someone I admire for her incredible strength. When I talk to her lately, I can be going off on some crazy tangent ranting angrily and she'll level with me and calm me down and point things out that I never thought of. I feel like our relationship is completely different now.

She's my best friend and she's someone that I know will always be there for me no matter what. She might be moving away next year and that scares me way more than I thought that it would. I can't imagine what it would be like not having her this close. I've already kind of made up my mind that if she's in Alberta or BC, I'll have to join her out there. I can't imagine what it would be like when I have a family them not knowing their auntie Dariane (we might have to shorten that somehow), or being a short drive away from seeing her, or a cheap long distance phone call.

I'm so incredibly proud of her and everything she's done for herself this last year. I love her so much and I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have her and as I said when I thought I lost her I was pretty scared. I'm so lucky to have a sister like her and I know our friendship will only continue changing and getting stronger.
I Love You Lil D!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

These days go to waste like wine..

I added some music!! I will try and keep this updated with whatever my favorite songs are at the time. I made it so that it wouldn't automatically start because that could really screw someone over if they are reading it at school or work.

I'm trying to update this more often because I know that people read it now. Although I've slipped the last couple of days. I've been a little bit busy/exhausted. I had 3 hours of sleep and was up for 44 hours. the 3 hours was in the middle of all that. So I didn't have a lot of energy to do much of anything.

We had katie's birthday party this weekend. It was awesome!! So much fun and so nice to see all of the people that came out for it! I did have a little too much to drink but it's okay...I can do that every now and then.

Here is the awesome cake that Ashley and I for an awesome pirate party!!

Here's the birthday girl and Megan...before everyone arrived!

The girls from Souris!

Okay, I'll post a longer one with more words later on. Just wanted to post sometime and something with a few pictures is always nice!
Off to do some yoga and watch Planet Earth!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Combat Baby

You know when you email someone and don't proofread it before you send it and then you skip words because you're mind is thinking faster than your fingers work. This often happens to me and I will send something and then reread it and I'm skipping all these words and it makes you look stupid but really you're just thinking too many thoughts.
If I read it after I send it why don't I just take a second to read it before you may be thinking. Well I do that because if I reread it before then I might not send it because then I would reread it change it and censor myself. And those of you who know me well know I don't really censor myself at all.

I was just going over my course deadlines..may have to do a bit more work than I thought that I would have to do over this fine reading week. Which doesn't really matter to me because I never go to school anyways and I still have to go to university 2 days this week for work. My week is essentially the same, there will just be a lot less people at the university.

A really good job came up at the University that I'm thinking about applying for. I'm nervous and scares me to be thinking about my future the way I have been. I was planning on moving to the lake for the summer but now with this position if I get it it would be really good for my resume and a great experience. It would be a monday to friday 9 to 5 job which would be great but at the same time pretty "adult". We'll see what happens, who knows maybe I won't even get it. I guess I am an adult anyways so buckling down at some point will need to be done.

I'm going for sushi tonight with Ashley, and I haven't seen her in a long time. I'm very excited for this because I have about a million things to talk to her about. When I don't see her for such a long time they just keep piling up and then I forget about a lot of them. I'll remember them all in due time. And I am excited to hear about her last few weeks. It's been so long since we have talked...well really probably only about 2 maybe 3 weeks but when you go from seeing someone everyday to not at all it puts a shock on your system. Okay, maybe I will stop before I sound like a total nutcase.

I am going to be taking off a few days to go and visit Cassie, Evan, and ... SAM!!!! and then also hopefully spend a night at my sisters. I am so incredibly excited to meet Sam it's insane. That boy is going to be showered with gifts cause there are so many adorable things that I want to get for him!!

Okay I should probably get to work now...I can only put it off for so long before people start wondering what I am doing.

Friday, February 13, 2009

We didn't do it for the money!

My father called me yesterday. The father that didn't call for a few months because I told him I no longer wanted any sort of relationship after the way that he's hurt my sister and I and then when he finally did call I told him I'd give him another chance but then proceeded to not call for another 2 months. And then when we saw him at christmas he gave some sorry ass excuse about how busy he's been and tried everything he could think of to make us feel sorry for him rather than just saying sorry and taking some responsibility. And then after christmas didn't call for another month and half.
So ya, he called. And acted like nothing has ever happened. I don't understand how someone can do that. How someone can just forget the fact that their children, regardless of whether or not you contributed at all to raising these children, told them that they wanted no relationship and pretend everything is all okay. I don't understand and it really makes me angry and this helped to put this down on here. Please don't think that it wasn't incredibly hard to tell him i never wanted to talk to him again cause it was. it was just necessary after not being there for us for the last 20 years.
I can only stand to be hurt so many times before I want to cut off a relationship with that person. And also watching him hurt someone else I love is pretty much just as bad as hurting me. It's a really frustrating situation and something that eats away at me on a daily basis.

Onwards. Recently, since Ash has been insanely busy, and apparently she's the person that lives insanely close to me who I can to about anything I've had lots of time to think about things and when I have lots of time to think but can't discuss and get the necessary feedback I've been going slightly mad with my own thoughts. You know how that can happen sometimes? I had a slight break when I went for drinks with Steph which I was so thankful for because I needed to talk. Just needed to let all my thoughts flow freely and not have them in my head. I can't discuss these thoughts on here I just wanted to get that out. If you know me well you know these thoughts all ready.

Steph and I want to take a teaching english as a second language course and then go spend the entire next year in mexico. You have no idea how much this appeals to me. To experience another culture, to learn another language, to lie on the beach, to not have to wear a winter jacket. Oh I love all those ideas so much more than one can imagine. The class costs 1100$ though. So thats kind of where my problem lies...I really want to come up with this money though because I want to take that class and do this in the worst possible way and where there is a will there is definitely a way.

Okay, it was nice to get my thoughts down somewhere other than my head.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Swagger Like Us!

After a long talk with someone yesterday about essentially everything that is going on in my life and his and how we want things to change and what we could do to make it that way, I've come to realize many many things. Today, I did make a positive step forward, maybe even two. And I felt great doing it. However, life doesn't always need to be about planning, about talking, brainstorming, coming up with ideas...which is something that I seem to always do a lot of. I know that's just the way that I am, always wheels turning and that's not going to change but it'd be nice to stop and smell the roses every now and then.

Today, the roads are a skating rink I have been led to believe. Haven't been outside yet but from what I gather through news and facebook everything's closed and my cousins spent the morning skating on their street. When I started thinking about how much that really sucks for some people, I got to thinking about how cool it is. How great it is that people can't go anywhere really and are forced to spend the day at home with their families or just by themselves catching up on the things that pile up. Like me and the school work that I"m catching up on...only that's not going so well. Procrastination is key in my life.

1 day later...

Today when I was walking to school the thoughts going through my mind were "I'm going to walk on this side of the road because I know the ice better on this side" , then I got scared because who thinks those kind of things...crazy people I tell ya, absolutely crazy people. Then I started thinking and wondering why I'm analyzing my own thoughts. Anyways, the whole point of that was yes, I knew the ice better on one side of the street, I knew where the bad spots were and where it wasn't so icy and I hadn't walked on the other side at all. I didn't know what that ice was like.
Okay, onwards...although one other thing on the ice, I watched a video on the free press site of someone skating on the highway. It made my day, it was absolutely halarious and I wish I would have done it. Unfortunately there is no way for me to get out of the city...nor do I have skates

That's it for my ice talk. What can I say? It's a big deal when people are sliding around everywhere!

I wish I had some pictures to put on here. I think I need to make much better use of my camera and start taking photos all the time.
Katie and I are not eating meat for a couple of weeks and it's harder than I thought to come up with ideas of what to make for supper. Today we had meatless chicken nugget wraps...they were pretty good I thought. Just tasted like they normally do. We'll see if we last two weeks. I often eat meat without even thinking about it, but I will do my best. I'll update my progress for you as it happens. This is day 1 I think, maybe day 2. I don't know.

I'm not sure what I want to do next year and how to go about it. I want to travel but maybe I should finish school first. I have dreams of going to millions of places. I want to be a nurse so that would be several more years of school. So do I get the degree that I'm one year away from finishing or do I go ahead and commit to 3 more years. Do I settle and get a good paying job and maybe love what I do and then if I really want to change it up and be a nurse I could always go to school in the future. Ahh!!! There's just so so many things that could happen. And I feel like my life is flashing before me but it's not. I'm only 21 and I only have 1 year maybe a year and a half left so what am I freaking out about. I have no idea!!! I could stay here for the summer and take summer classes. That's not a bad idea, then I could get school done and over with, maybe i can take a break in the january semester and travel a bit. Hmm..I"ve never thought of that idea. That would be something that would really appeal to me. See what I mean my wheels are always turning. I am constantly thinking about new things to do, new ideas, new plans, but you know I just don't know. They're just plans. I got to put some of these things into feels like it's impossible to do.

Okay, I got to do some school work.
Dariane, I promise I will update more just keep hassling me!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jeff Buckley-Hallelujah

I promise I'll stop posting videos soon. Only this is absolutely beautiful so I couldn't help but share. So amazing.

Monday, February 2, 2009

In love with you--Erykah Badu feat. Stephen Marley

This is my new favorite song of the moment.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


These blogs always get written when I have something else that I should be doing. And 99% of the time that something else is homework. It's because I have my computer in front of me and open and then I get sidetracked and facebook can only distract me for so long before I get bored and move on to this. This being blogging. And when I set out to write a blog I never have a plan on what I am going to write and I just start writing and type out pretty much whatever is on my mind. Which generally seems to work out and it usually results in a pretty long blog.
Last night was a good night. Robin came over at 6 and we went to Soul Survivors where I may or may not have gotten a piercing. and robin had a chat with the piercer about things she wants to get done. After that we went to my place and got ready quickly and then went to Earls for a delicious dinner and some drinks and then after we went to Alive where Kate was waiting to dance her little heart out!! and Rebecca was even there. Her and I tend to never expect to see each other at these places but then we do. It's pretty awesome. Anyways, after the bar which was at about midnight Robin and I scooted on home. I think I might be getting old...going home at 12..there were still people coming in then. Haha, i didn't mind cause now I won't be tired and hungover all day.
We watched the Superbowl yesterday. For me it was the first time that I have ever watched the whole game and it was good. It's amazing how you actually get into it and then when they are close you really get excited. Although I wanted to change who I was cheering with half way through the game because they were losing..and I hate cheering for the team that is losing because then once the game is over you are just bummed out. Plus it didn't really matter to me anyways who won or lost because I hadn't followed any of the season.
Here's a few pictures from life in the last little while.