Monday, February 9, 2009

Swagger Like Us!

After a long talk with someone yesterday about essentially everything that is going on in my life and his and how we want things to change and what we could do to make it that way, I've come to realize many many things. Today, I did make a positive step forward, maybe even two. And I felt great doing it. However, life doesn't always need to be about planning, about talking, brainstorming, coming up with ideas...which is something that I seem to always do a lot of. I know that's just the way that I am, always wheels turning and that's not going to change but it'd be nice to stop and smell the roses every now and then.

Today, the roads are a skating rink I have been led to believe. Haven't been outside yet but from what I gather through news and facebook everything's closed and my cousins spent the morning skating on their street. When I started thinking about how much that really sucks for some people, I got to thinking about how cool it is. How great it is that people can't go anywhere really and are forced to spend the day at home with their families or just by themselves catching up on the things that pile up. Like me and the school work that I"m catching up on...only that's not going so well. Procrastination is key in my life.

1 day later...

Today when I was walking to school the thoughts going through my mind were "I'm going to walk on this side of the road because I know the ice better on this side" , then I got scared because who thinks those kind of things...crazy people I tell ya, absolutely crazy people. Then I started thinking and wondering why I'm analyzing my own thoughts. Anyways, the whole point of that was yes, I knew the ice better on one side of the street, I knew where the bad spots were and where it wasn't so icy and I hadn't walked on the other side at all. I didn't know what that ice was like.
Okay, onwards...although one other thing on the ice, I watched a video on the free press site of someone skating on the highway. It made my day, it was absolutely halarious and I wish I would have done it. Unfortunately there is no way for me to get out of the city...nor do I have skates

That's it for my ice talk. What can I say? It's a big deal when people are sliding around everywhere!

I wish I had some pictures to put on here. I think I need to make much better use of my camera and start taking photos all the time.
Katie and I are not eating meat for a couple of weeks and it's harder than I thought to come up with ideas of what to make for supper. Today we had meatless chicken nugget wraps...they were pretty good I thought. Just tasted like they normally do. We'll see if we last two weeks. I often eat meat without even thinking about it, but I will do my best. I'll update my progress for you as it happens. This is day 1 I think, maybe day 2. I don't know.

I'm not sure what I want to do next year and how to go about it. I want to travel but maybe I should finish school first. I have dreams of going to millions of places. I want to be a nurse so that would be several more years of school. So do I get the degree that I'm one year away from finishing or do I go ahead and commit to 3 more years. Do I settle and get a good paying job and maybe love what I do and then if I really want to change it up and be a nurse I could always go to school in the future. Ahh!!! There's just so so many things that could happen. And I feel like my life is flashing before me but it's not. I'm only 21 and I only have 1 year maybe a year and a half left so what am I freaking out about. I have no idea!!! I could stay here for the summer and take summer classes. That's not a bad idea, then I could get school done and over with, maybe i can take a break in the january semester and travel a bit. Hmm..I"ve never thought of that idea. That would be something that would really appeal to me. See what I mean my wheels are always turning. I am constantly thinking about new things to do, new ideas, new plans, but you know I just don't know. They're just plans. I got to put some of these things into feels like it's impossible to do.

Okay, I got to do some school work.
Dariane, I promise I will update more just keep hassling me!

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