Friday, February 27, 2009

Beach, Long Islands, and sun sun sun

There are a lot of birthdays in February...a good portion of people I know are born in this lovely romantic month. Which means they were conceived in June. Start of summer and people get frisky? (favorite word ever!) Either way, two of my near and dear friends had their birthdays this month, a mere two days apart. It was excited but it's also meant a lot of parties and a lot of money spend. We had a pirate party which I've posted about and we had a lovely formal night for Ashley's birthday.

Having these parties means I have to clean up, and get things organized and make sure that people are entertained. The pirate party I wasn't too good at making sure everything was running smoothly. In fact, I wasn't very good at making sure anything was even happening. I was just there, enjoying myself, until I had to go to the hospital with blood gushing from my head. From then on, I had no idea whatsoever what was going on at home because I was quite far from that place.

So we had a good time, ate some delicious chicken fajitas, splendid ice cream cake and then drank the night away...well everyone else did. I stayed pretty sober...well I sobered up when 10:00 came around.

This was the three of us on our safeway run to get some mix. We found the most amazing drinking glasses. Oh they brought entertainment throughout the night. Although they really weren't that functional.

The day after was definitely a lazy day. A day where we did absolutely nothing but laid on the couch. Well no I mean that's a lie..I got called at 8:30 in the morning because the person that was supposed to open didn't show up and so that meant second cup wasn't open and Teddy called the only person that would answer their phone..ME!!
So I went to Second Cup for three hours and sat paid to sit around. It was lovely, even though inside I was pretty much fuming. But that's not blog writeable unfortunately. I think people get fired for things that they write on their blog.

We got the cabin for the summer...and I got my job back! Which means I will be going to Clear Lake for the summer and i am so so excited for this! It means one more amazing summer...where I will make an amazing amount of money and get to lay around on the beach and get a good tan. and hike and swim and bike and run and play and do absolutely nothing but hang out. If you could see me do a happy dance I would do it for you.
Okay homework as per usual is calling me...even though I am lying and I probably won't do it. In the words of Katie Strath...Peace Out!

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