Monday, February 16, 2009

Combat Baby

You know when you email someone and don't proofread it before you send it and then you skip words because you're mind is thinking faster than your fingers work. This often happens to me and I will send something and then reread it and I'm skipping all these words and it makes you look stupid but really you're just thinking too many thoughts.
If I read it after I send it why don't I just take a second to read it before you may be thinking. Well I do that because if I reread it before then I might not send it because then I would reread it change it and censor myself. And those of you who know me well know I don't really censor myself at all.

I was just going over my course deadlines..may have to do a bit more work than I thought that I would have to do over this fine reading week. Which doesn't really matter to me because I never go to school anyways and I still have to go to university 2 days this week for work. My week is essentially the same, there will just be a lot less people at the university.

A really good job came up at the University that I'm thinking about applying for. I'm nervous and scares me to be thinking about my future the way I have been. I was planning on moving to the lake for the summer but now with this position if I get it it would be really good for my resume and a great experience. It would be a monday to friday 9 to 5 job which would be great but at the same time pretty "adult". We'll see what happens, who knows maybe I won't even get it. I guess I am an adult anyways so buckling down at some point will need to be done.

I'm going for sushi tonight with Ashley, and I haven't seen her in a long time. I'm very excited for this because I have about a million things to talk to her about. When I don't see her for such a long time they just keep piling up and then I forget about a lot of them. I'll remember them all in due time. And I am excited to hear about her last few weeks. It's been so long since we have talked...well really probably only about 2 maybe 3 weeks but when you go from seeing someone everyday to not at all it puts a shock on your system. Okay, maybe I will stop before I sound like a total nutcase.

I am going to be taking off a few days to go and visit Cassie, Evan, and ... SAM!!!! and then also hopefully spend a night at my sisters. I am so incredibly excited to meet Sam it's insane. That boy is going to be showered with gifts cause there are so many adorable things that I want to get for him!!

Okay I should probably get to work now...I can only put it off for so long before people start wondering what I am doing.

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